Birth stone Aquarius Amethyst. You like... Rebelling against rules, sharing new ideas and tryingout crazy new hairstyles. You dislike... Being stuck in a rut, animal abuse and pollution ofthe planet. You're best at... Inventing new things and dreaming up brilliant ideasto make the worlda better place.Deep down... You really care about ur planet and everybody on it. Ur greatest desireis to rid the world of poverty, war and pollution. Ifanybody can do it,u can. Your career... Inventor, TV journalist, reflexologist, computer whiz.FashionYou're individual but always stylish. You like ethnicclothes and lovebright colours (blues and turquoises in particular).You often wear madclothes that other people laugh at - then weeks later,they're copyingyou!You trailblazer, you! As a mate... U would walk through fire and swallow frogs' legs forur friends.Being a good mate is one of ur best qualities and eventhough they thinkyou're a bit dotty sometimes, they love u for beingthe swe...