...Singapore Toy n Comic Convention 2008...
I was supposedly to start this entry with the SG Toy n Comic Convention... but then i came cross STOMP's entry.. on http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singaporeseen/viewContent.jsp?id=26863 the killing of doggies.. in CHINA again... my sis forwarded this mail to me a couple of months again.. where i was cursing and swearing at that point of time... then now i see this same post again... well someone posted in on STOMP... I was still sadden by this fact... that stupid ppl in china killed these poor animals and actually eat them... they have done nothing wrong.. and they are man's best friend lor.... i curse and swear at you.. i hope you rot in hell i hope you get chop off the way these poor doggies get killed by you i hope you get your retribution now why dun you die right now! leave those doggies alone......................... I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!! The toy and comic convention was okay... went with my sis on sunday.. cos saturday turned out that my ah bu and i need to go dow...