
Showing posts from July, 2008

...terrible sore throat...

having a terrible terrible terrible sore throat now... it's so painful that everytime i swallow saliva or drink water.. my right ear hurts.... erggghh and i cannot stop sneezing... bloody hell...

...high high high...

i'm a bit high now cos i've seen pictures of Kinki's latest concert in Japan... Tsuyoshi's took off his clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and got KKL scenes again lor (fyi: KKL = Kinki kids love) oooo hope Johnny will release this concert to a DVD!!!! ah moi and i confirm buy one hor ah moi!? haahahahaha

...Lazy boring me...

been feeling super duper bored these few days.. i kept having diarrhoea... crap~ money seems to disappear faster than i thought.. even more crap~ i seems to buy more comics nowadays... think it's becos now my bro is broke... so my turn to buy hmpf Nana so long no new issues out.. TW one out liao lor.. stupid CY still not yet release... then 功夫旋风儿L even more long no new books... bro says author is sick... -_-... sick for like 4 years? i hope he gets well soon... so i can get to read the latest one... haiz our long lasting manga gotta be 柯南 lor.. now approaching book 62? cannot keep track lah me... then Naruto approaching book 43 Bleach - book 25? seriously cannot rem at all Tsubasa - book 2? also cannot rem... we have tons of mangas at hm... i can hardly rem all the titles... haha but i love reading them over and over again! i seem to be neglecting the dolls (pullip n taeyang =3 of them) now putting the mangas & Kinki Kids above them again haha oh well it happens sometimes.....

...第558期 的 i-weekly - PUBLISHED...

my article got published wor... @ the 559 issue of I-weekly... *ahem* i used my chinese name lah... ha.. but they deleted so much... oh well... at least the main pt was out... [I and Ai] is coming home [Kinki Kids' Phi Concert] also coming home... whahahaha i had been sick... cannot eat for 2 days... i got 肠胃炎 lor.. smell food will want to die and puke like mad that kind... but finally today i can eat 2 longevity buns and small portions of rice... YAHOO!!!! hmmm met Jiawen aka Melissa, Priscilla, Peiyi on friday after work @ Pasta de Waraku... (Central de branch) had a great chat although Pris was late haha... oh well... we're meeting again in Sept... then on Sat, my ah bu accompany me go Taka de Kinokuniya to get the mags that my sis reserved... there's [Potato] - cos kinki kids on cover [Duet]- arashi's on cover but lots ok kk in it [Wink up]- Hey Say JUMP's on cover.. but as usual.. it's becos of kk haha then sunday i felt sick... horribly sick... monday MC ...

...第558期 的 i-weekly...

第558期 的 i-weekly i wrote a bloody long complain to i-weekly... cos i got pissed by the article they wrote on the the summer jpn doramas... you can say that i'm over sensitive... but when it comes to the ppl, stuffs that/who i love... i'm highly sensitive.. and i will stand up to their defence!!!! They say Tsuyoshi is no longer popular lor.. or the way they interprete it... errggghhh here's the letter i wrote... BEWARE.. it's all in chinese.... 当最新一期的 i 周刊刊登了夏季日剧时。。。我很高兴。。。因为我是近畿小子里堂本 刚的忠实歌影迷!我知道他在夏季会有相隔了四年的新日剧。。。使我非常的期待他的新剧。。。《33分侦探》是一部不一样喜剧。。。但是。。。使我非常不悦的是为何文章说堂本 刚的这一部新剧只能让金田一迷期待!!!文章似乎是在断章取义。。。何以见得这部新剧只有能让金田一迷回味一下。。。好歹堂本 刚也主演过不少叫好又叫座的日剧。。。 如:《前男友》,《最后的礼物》,《Hoshi ni naga wa》等等好看的日剧。。。 为何说到他好像很烂似的。。。 最令我替他愤愤不平的是。。。文章也说到他像个发水面包。。。 写文章的人似乎做的功课不足。。。他并不是因为发胖。。而是因为他有气管那方面的病。。长期吃药才导致看起来有点水肿而已。。。而且近期他已瘦下不少了。。。当他停止吃药时。。他就很快瘦下来。。。 请不要在毫无根据的时候胡乱刊登。。。 不知道的人会因此而误会他的。。。 还有。。。上几期有提到近畿小子的新专辑。。也说堂本刚的穿着越来越怪异,他们的专辑也没有好听的歌。。现在只是靠昔日的歌迷支持罢了。。。 这又何以见得?我实在无法明白为何你们会让这样的一个 REVIEW 刊登。。。...