
Showing posts from July, 2009


前天是他们出道12周年 我很庆幸自己认识了他们 在我不愉快的时候 他们的歌声陪伴着我渡过 现在 他们给了我无数的欢乐和一种幸福的感觉 所以 我要说声 谢谢你们存在着 我会和你们一起走向300 年的约定的!

...Happy 12th Anniversary...

Happy 12th Anniversary to KinKi Kids!!! Today is the 12th year since their CD & Single Debut!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and may many more years to come!!!!! and for the very first time in my life, i wrote a short, sweet KKL story and posted it in the forum... i'll probably post it here... if anyone wants to read it, tag me... 3Q no matter what happens, we'll always stand by KKK side and stay with them for the next 300 years!!! Yakusoku yo! KinKi Kids FOREVER!


偶然在一个论坛看到的。。。 觉得他说得很对。。 所以,截了一部份: 「堂本光一根本不需要那个拖他后腿的人!」 不知道怎多少KO的论坛里面看到了这种话…当梦还是好奇的新人,观察着四周的时候…然后看着两个人的对视,心痛。 在一个不记得名字的KO论坛,写下「连他们两个都说要永远在一起,其他人有什么资格怀疑?!」然后发誓再也不看。 安心的窝在KK吧,在熟悉的世界游转,知道却不愿相信这里以外有嘈杂的声音。 我觉很对哦 因为,他们两人都说了要永远在一起。。。 其他人根本没资格说配不配或有没有对方会更好的话。。 以下是另一个fan写的观点。。 [Y side] 曾经动摇过,又怎样?曾进跌到过,又怎样? 他们分开活动过,又怎样? 任性的攻击他们又或者他后,你又能怎样? 他们之间的是不是爱情,有那么重要吗? 他们之间的如果是爱情,谁爱谁多一点,又或者谁先爱上谁,又那么重要吗? 重要的是,他们终究回到了自己的地方,一起努力着,把爱传给更多的人。 全部人之间,都有着一份隐形的契约,携手努力度过300年。 受伤过,所以珍惜着;体会过,所以爱着;感受到,所以感动着。 停止一切的攻击和伤害吧,不管是对他们,还是你身边的人。 用尽自己的身心,去感受他们,去体会他们,去珍惜他们,并且被他们感动着。 受伤的时候,悲伤的时候,回头看看一切,你会发现世界是意外的美好。 ね、がんばるよ。 Words by Yoshiko A. 01/12/08 我觉得。。。 我们不都是被他们给感动了吗? 因为他们的音乐,使我收益不浅 他们的努力,我们不都看在心里吗? 大家都是支持他们的。。。 不都应该要大爱一点吗? 感触很多啊我。。。 唉~

Devil/My Wish

I was surfing YouTube last night and also watched koichi's new PV... main point was not to talk about kochan, although i can see that he is in bones again... pls take care of yourself, so you can take care of tsuyo too... ToT... Saw tsuyo performing "my wish" (koichi's song) It was a version entirely different from koichi's Tsuyo's version was saddening Saddening enough for me to feel depress Haiz He was smoking when he was singing this song But I can see the sadness in his eyes The loneliness The despair It was said that koichi wrote this song and dedicated to tsuyo Just like tsuyo's song - devil Was also heard to be dedicated to koichi Devil's lyrics was I want to love I wish to love In other words Tsuyo was going to breakdown at that point Tsuyo's eyes were red when he sang "devil" He was sad or rather devastated when he sang "my wish" All these bring me close to tears I know tsuyo's an emotional person... Haiz But it is ...

...Shindoi with Rie (Miyuki)...

Managed to finish watching Shindoi with guest, Rie... last night.. or rather at 1.30am... Was actually a bit sad after watching it... cos Tsuyo mentioned about his mum buying the damn toy cars thingie... He said telling Rie, he has not got married yet, no gf yet.. and his mum already started buying gifts for his future son... he was obviously sad about that fact that he's sorta disappointing her... cos he's not married yet.... i was like... ToT... his eyes were red already lor... =( he also mentioned that nowadays, he cried more easily... and he would cry in his room...etc haiz... my heart aches for him... i know that it's nothing wrong with parents wanting their kids to get married... but please stop giving him stress... he will get married when he finds the right person ok??!!! even if the right person he found, the mum might not like... but please bless them... in other words, i'm saying it in double meaning... because... the right person for dear tsuyo could be anyo...

9-10 years ago

One of my pre-uni friend posted our year 2 class photo in facebook I was like OMG! Haha cos it's so many years ago Not that I looked better now Cos I'm older now * ahem * mature I mean Bloody hideous Please throw that photo away Actually Come to think of it I can't recall where's my copy Oh well Read one sad, heart aching but in the end happy ending KKL story So I suppose it's still a not so bad day Given the fact that my net friend told me that koichi got himself a pet chihuahua named pan Honestly As long as his final partner/lover is my darling tsuyoshi, I can't be bothered with other bloody pairings that koichi only fans came up with KKL rules!!!!! KinKi Kids Forever!!!!! And their 12 years anniversary is coming!!!! Yippie! 12 years as in cd debut 21 July If it's just the formation of kinki kids Then it's around 16 years 18 years would be how long they've known each other as in when they first met.. 5 May I've said it before I'll say it a...

... random ...


...Working from home...

Yesterday and Today... I am/was working from home... Office's new trial.. in case H1N1 go crazy... next week will then be my other 2 colleauges' turn honestly speaking... a bit hard to work from home cos some officers are still in the office then when you're doing their work you're not there a bit hard to communicate cos sometimes, face to face is more direct than email or skype... enough abt work my blog is not abt work.. at least not now i need more KK in my life... recently KKK's appearance is too little... i heard tsuyo cut his hair again haiz... then he talked abt 七夕 and NARA i think he's sad again... although a lot of fans that's him (his way of speaking/expressing) but i cannot help thinking that he's sad even my sis says he's a bit sad... like there's a lot on his mind.. but he can't tell anyone... haiz can Junichi talk to him? or even Gackt...? it would be best if it's koichi.. although i know it might not be possible.. in my min...


简单的说 为什么就不能祝福他们 只相信他们之间只有相方爱吗? 我就坚决不信 尽管我也想过他们可能只是朋友 但是这么多年 多多少少的粉红事件 不管真假 我由始至终都觉得他们之间的感情是真的 他们会互相吃醋 互相撒娇 我就不信相方之间会这样 所以 祝福他们 希望他们勇敢相爱

10 years anniversary

Today I met up with Mitchell, ZHiliang & Chileong for steamboat buffet I think cos my appeitite had gone down I didn't eat much lah Anyway, CHileong was not in a good state of mind due to lack of sleep Mitchell came late cos of work I met up with ZHiliang first cos his gf stayed around my area My mood swings again Was a bit low tension for me We've known one another for 10 years Thus the so-call celebration Ermm Dunno what else to say Cos my mood swings Will add on later Sweet dreams my friend, smoke less k Anyway I know you dun come to my blog Oh well


Koichi's single cover is out! I randomly decided to pop over to JE's web cos I was checking on KK's singles order and haha I saw koichi single cover and immediately let my sister know Not bad not bad And in the end We decided to get all 3 versions I'm paying for one of the version Cos tsuyo liked that song a lot Peaceful world - lyrics and music composed by koichi Thus I'm sponsoring haha And also cos this time koichi really looked not bad and he is my darling tsuyo's aikata


Ermm supposedly to be posting some pic of the "thing" my sis bought me... But ermmm a bit lazy to take the photo lah I'm still very much in love with my beloved tsuyoshi Ermmm nothing much ... Just wanna say that more often now