
Showing posts from September, 2009

What Tarot Card are you

You Are The High Priestess You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets. Your fortune: Something hidden or latent in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end. You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! What Tarot Card Are You? Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!


隐约中, 我始终认为, 刚和光一是很陌生的 我们仅仅只是看到他们在舞台上的样子而已 他们的内心呢? 我们是不得而知的 或许 他们相爱 或许 他们连朋友都不是 但不可否认, 现在站在彼此身边的是对方 也只有彼此了吧 我又不知道自己在写什么了。。。 此刻 脑塞的非常严重


如果自己写的文不被人认同 该如何呢? 开始郁闷了啦 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 烦啊 (╯﹏╰) 算了 反正老娘我当自娱娱乐好了。。。 ╭(╯^╰)╮


我他x的哭了 读了个我宝贝挂掉的文。。 明知不会是美好的结局 我还是一头栽下去了 二十四格格为啥就不能和光亲王在一起 呜呜呜。。 喜帝我恨你! 明帝我也恨你 你们活生生拆散了那苦苦相恋的璧人 说怕什么光亲王会危及你们的江山 我呸! 如果你们当初把二十四格格赐婚给他 他就完全不会有要夺你们江山的心 是你们把光亲王的心给埋了的。。 你们让他做那摄政王,终生不得有子懿,不得娶。。 结果二十四格格也决定终生不嫁。。 只因她爱的人是光亲王。。。 好好的一对璧人。。 就这样被你们拆散。。。 呜呜呜 我不依!!! 还害我宝贝最后。。挂掉。。 你他x的!!!


我是一个, 想到什么 就做什么 的人 人一生当中 可以爱多少人 恨多少人呢 无从得知吧 现在的我 和以前的我 又有什么不同 我不大想知道 不是逃避 而是觉得, 有时向往未来未尝不是一件坏事 虽然未来可能不是自己想要的 但重要的是 要活的真实吧 做自己想做的 对自己有所交代 才是比较重要的吧 现在的我 没有人爱 不要紧 至少知道自己爱着一个人 堂本 刚,谜一样的男人 一个让人又爱又恨的男人 一个比女人还要可爱,还要妩媚的男人 或许你不赞同 但在我眼里, 他就是这样的一个人 一个让我如痴如醉的男人 今天心情开始郁闷 突然更想刚。。 很想为他做些什么。。。 就是这样。。。

...Tsuyoshi's new show - 24CH△NNEL...

10月7日(水)からテレビ朝日系25:21〜25:36で新番组「24CH△NNL(ツヨチャンネル)」スタート。刚が毎周、人生の中でかなえたい 100项目をクリアしていく。「见てくださる方々にたくさんの希望を与えられるようにまっすぐに楽しみたい」と抱负。番组テーマ曲を作曲したりジングル作 成をするなど、アーティストとしての“颜”ものぞかせている。 19日デイリースポーツ掲载 HURRAY~~~~ I must now rush chapter 3 to celebrate this great news~


很奇怪的我 为什么,都那么久了,和他说话时 自己的语调,会变的不一样。。。 呃。。 感觉会变的有点温柔?? 呃。。 自己现在觉得有点恶心嘞。。。 虽然他是我喜欢过的人。。。 但是。。那是以前嘛。。 奇怪 真的奇怪。。。 算了 不想了 麻烦死了 我要回去工作了 等会儿还要继续翻译我的文的第二章 不然被网友捅死 哦不对。。是死光。。。 还加上王子的死光。。。

KinKi Kids 29th Single

My sis called me, KinKi's 29th Single will be released on the 28th October!!!! YIPPIE!!! Finally our grumblings reached their ears!!!!! YESH!!!! I should be getting both versions... although i seldom buy singles and now i must rush back to my stories, will post a new one/chapter for celebration!!!! i am a happy woman today~~~ ニュ-シングル 『スワンソング』10月28日発売決定!! KinKi Kids29枚目のシングルの発売が決定です。 どこか懐かしいメロディの中に儚なさとひたむきさが感じられる疾走感あふれる楽曲。 作詩に「硝子の少年」「シンデレラ・クリスマス」「薄荷キャンディー」等を手掛けた 松本隆氏を6年ぶりに迎え、KinKi Kids流エバーグリーンポップスがここに完成しました! 完全初回限定盤:JECN-0203 ¥1,000(tax in) ★CD(全3曲+Backing Track1曲) ☆CD収録楽曲☆ M1:スワンソング M2:サマルェカダス ~another oasis~ M3:深紅の花 M4:スワンソング-Backing Track- ●初回盤詳細 ①3面6Pジャケット ②M3「深紅の花」(通常盤未収録) ■通常盤:JECN-0204 ¥1,000(tax in) ★CD(全3曲) ...


I went to pay respects to my relative on saturday then went to Bugis with my mum and I overspent. Spend over 100 bucks on my Levi Jeans Spend close to 200 bucks on my Guess bag & wallet Spend close to 30 bucks on my crystal (which reminds me, I forgot to bring it out from my other bag) I overspent too much that I hope I still have some $$ left for my books books that I wanna order online... budget for that was around 100 bucks or so... then I still got my bills to clear, my loan, my instalment for the iPodsss (mine & sis) and my sis's 21st birthday cake (I did say I'll sponsor the cake) ToT and since last mth I overspent by pre-ordering my Tsuyoshi's single & concert, and also KinKi you DVD... (close to 300 bucks also) I will officially be eating GRASS this month. and interesting enough now then I noticed that I'm posting 1 chinese, 1 english alternatively... hmmm my stories are published/posted in chinese & english chapter 1 only at the moment if you wa...


没有别的意思 我是在听着 Devil 时边打着这文的, Devil 很能牵动我的心,却也让我很容易悲伤起来。。。 我想了很多 其实也不明白为什么自己还要去写一篇虐自己最爱的人的文 明明最希望他比自己更应该得到幸福的 看了他这几天的 Love Fighter 的更新 自己的心更是纠结到不行 他一定又有烦恼了吧 会担心他是不是没有人可以帮他分担他的烦恼 我会为他哭,因他而笑,会为了他心痛 他就是一个让我爱到不行的男人 我不后悔爱上他 真的真的好爱他 只因为他是堂本刚。。。 是的, 我对堂本刚的爱是不会变的 我和以往一样 会突如其来的来个爱的宣言 你可能觉得我又发花痴了 但他就是一个让人又爱又恨的男人 喜欢上,爱上他的我们 是心甘情愿的 说我们是腐女也行 爱上了就是爱上了 没有特别的理由 也不需要 明白的人自然明白 就这样 我拜托两位大人快快合体吧 (默念51244次) 真的快被你们虐死了 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

...This is life...

This is life? What is life? Sometime life sucks as much as you can think so... I'm rambling cos I saw his LF entry for yesterday? probably yes nowadays, he affects me a lot but i feel it's a kinda connection for him to us. I still love him lots I am thinking outta control I am talking crap Think of it whichever way you want... I'll be posting my story online tonite if nothing goes wrong. NOT POSTING HERE though


According to webs all ard the world, today is a special day and today is also the day where my beloved Tsuyoshi's new single - RAIN is released. YA's shipment was shipped yesterday so i shld be getting it latest next week WEEEE~~~~~ excited? yes! tired? yes cos my story is still not complete i wrote too long and now hard to end i'm stuck at a part where it's hard to continue sis says it's exciting now cos she wants to find out what's gonna happen... i have a rough idea lah but now to put into words must give me time my english is not very good and i must later translate to chinese i think i will die oh well~ yes i am talking to myself if u notice =_= i am stressed


好吧, 我承认,我犯贱 我居然又不知死活地写了一篇长篇 还是英文的 从放工开始到现在 我就写了这么久 整整快7小时了。。。哦不对,应该是8小时了吧 几乎没停过。。。 第一次写这么长。。 估计有好几千字吧 (我是说英文字) 越写越难收尾 不知道我的另一个长篇行不行呢。。。。 唉~ 好,我要继续写了 坚持到底!!!


I just realise I posted quite a lot in August.. really consider a lot for me sia (this is my 349th post, i know, a long way compared to my sis's) hmmm my sista still insists that i wrote abt kinki more than anything in my entries not true lah i talked abt other things also mah... just slightly more kinki only lah hmmm how come when i talked abt life, u no say? tsktsk kids nowadays ah... anyway, which reminds me i am now starting a new story which i hope would be long... ermm probably won't post it here will post it at LJ, KKK, Whiteworld, KKF, Domoto2x the 2nd story i wrote for them and this time, i hope i won't screw up... cos i didn't like my first story... work is packed today new colleague today boss not in today (as in supervisor) listening to iPod now today is crap cos too many things to do ja..mata

...Tsuyoshi's PV - Sunday Morning...

Just saw Tsuyo's PV Sunday Morning... Mixed feelings on the pv.. will talk abt it later~ meanwhile enjoy~


我始终相信, 人与人之间的相处 是矛盾的 我相信, 在这世界,有的人 想爱,但不能爱 相爱,却不能在一起 这让我觉得,这世界还有什么是值得去等候的 有么? 我常常会让自己陷在自己的思绪中 想着很多问题,事情 很多人不明白 我却明白吗? 如同, 明白的人 自然明白 矛盾吗? 或许吧 有的时候, 事情的看法 在于看的那个人如何想罢了 可以很复杂 可以很简单 这就是人生吧


Went to watch "BRUNO" with 5 of my colleagues yesterday after work and together with one colleague's husband and friend, a total of 8 of us went to catch Bruno. how to put it Bruno is a comedy, but a bit sick lah it's abt gays, fashion, being famous... i had no objections against gays but this film was a bit too much as a comedy, i like it as a gay show, i dislike it i got nothing against gays or homos however u put it.. those who know, would know i support KKL... and probably at the moment only KKL... ermm anyway not abt my beloved KK yesterday was fun we had lotsa laughters heehee we'll probably catch another movie again eh folks? haha

...random thoughts...

Okay, this is gonna be short and random cos i know i haven't been blogging much work has been fun *ahem* fun cos among the colleagues, between u and me, we try to make our life easier by having jokes now and then lolx then, wat else, i'm expecting my Tsuyoshi's new single to reach within less than 2 weeks YAHOO for that~ tml or rather, today, we'll be watching BRUNO! it's gonna be fun~

...Happy Birthday...

亲爱的紫紫, 祝你二十二岁生日快乐! 咱们的近畿大神会保佑你一切美好的~