
Showing posts from November, 2009


突然之间, 我不想再爱 觉得好累 好累好累 或许 思绪又突然 发生异变吧 人生本无常 我不是没有想过 就是想的太多 太多了 烦 好烦


Went to Lot 1 - SHAW to catch Hua Mulan - 花木兰 chose to watch this is partly because i've watched 画皮 last year and Mulan has the same cast Chen Kun & Zhao Wei 陈坤 和 赵薇 老实说, 不是木兰不好看, 而是我不喜欢它的结局 或许我一心期待 他们能有情人终成眷属 最后却没有 这就是遗憾吧 文泰 - 拓跋 宏 (陈坤) 木兰 (赵薇) 这么说吧,如果那个死人大将军没有背弃木兰他们 那或许,文泰和木兰还是会有结果的 最后,背负着保家卫国的他们 放弃了爱情 古代的人都是这样的吧 或许换做是我 可能也会和他们一样 不过现在的我反而会想他们选择爱情 太悲了。。。 明明相爱,可永远不能在一起

Best Costume

My colleagues won the BEST COSTUME AWARDS! haha, Victoria as Wednesday Adams Vitaya as Cloud Jocelyn as Little Maid all 3 best costume awards all won by our gang haha this is some damn good news! pics will be up later they are with Vitaya haha maybe next time i will join in to dress up hmm i mean cosplay hahahahahah this is some fun DnD man~ heehee but we had plenty of fun then lucky draw time, Brandon won! won the only PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were all screaming like mad! coolness~~~ apart from that, i fell sick the next day, although i did meet up with RunRun & Li Wei to go to AFA and i am still sick ----------- 我不想做的, 没人能逼我。 就如同认识了那么久的你们一样 (这一段是我现在想说的,毕竟你们也从来不来这里, 我发现,即使有那么多年的认识,你们还是不了解我。。。 如同我也不了解你们。。。我一向随心所欲,不喜欢的就是不喜欢。。。 说我固执也好,死板也好,可这就是我 Take it or leave it)

Dinner & Dance

Today is SC's D&D, as part of committee I am to help out... so off I go now... Theme's Movie Night~ lolx my colleagues are dressing up as Cloud, Jason & Wednesday Adams~ FUN~

...and so life continues...

As what the title says, Life continues no matter what happens nothing much happens in my life at the moment apart from me living in my KinKi Kids fandom no joke about it I truly enjoy loving them Especially my dear Tsuyoshi I love everything about him Inner, Outer He is someone really special Ever since I get to know him back let's see... 14years ago? He's on my heart... okie I've sidetracked abit when I get to know Westlife But KinKi and Tsuyoshi has never been apart from me! if you're wondering why the hell I'm writing this post nothing much It's just one of those days where I feel I miss him terribly Even though I listen to his voice daily... I am crazy... Maybe...


I'm actually able to go to bed soon Shocking enough for me After more than 5 months? Of sleeping at weird timings I'm actually shocking myself by turning in soon Hmmm Got tired of my love? So not true I'm just taking a short break Afterall I've exerted my brain cells today Completing last part of chapter 9 this afternoon Hurray~~~ After a month or so of hiatus over at the Chinese forums I'm finally able to return Started translating So hopefully I can post it out real soon~~ With J album coming, I'm happy~~ Today is a not bad day for me :)


我是个情绪化的人吧 看着故事里的小狗死了, 我泪流了 会觉得心酸啊 老弟告诉我又有人虐待动物了 我真的打从心里鄙视这些人 你们通通他妈的都去死! 没人性!


J Album's purchase is made I've bought both Limited Edition and Regular Edition From USD72.00 in total When it comes to KinKi, we never regret That's about it. Today the Opennet ppl comes to do up the cable soon, all will be using Opennet. tat's about it, i'm having mental block for last part of chapter 9 shld be able to write but can't... irritating... i think i need more break for my mind

...To Zanarkand...

Eveytime I listen to "To Zanarkand" I feel sad, it's a wonderful game think my disc is spoiled... will get a new one before it's not available...

...J Album...

OMG! J Album will be out on the 09/12/2009! I will get both versions, call me crazy but yes i'll get both versions! This is the Limited Press KinKi Kids 約2年ぶりとなるアルバム「J album」いよいよ発売決定!! 「Secret Code」「約束」「スワンソング」のシングル3曲を収録したこの「J album」は、オリジナルでは11作目(=トランプの Jack)、次のDECADEへの旅(=Journey)と位置づけられるアルバム。原 点を忘れず、ただ(=Just)純粋に、ストレートに、良質な11 曲の楽曲と11枚の写真で構成されています。 完全初回限定盤にはシングル3曲のMusic ClipとTV SPOTを収録したDVD付き!! ●初回生産限定盤詳細… ①28Pブックレット ②DVD付き ③スリーブケース入り 01 スワンソング 02 宝石をちりばめて 03 足音 04 約束 05 つばさ –little wing- 06 walk on… 07 Secret Code 08 憂鬱と虹 09 I will 10 Missing 11 風のソネット DVD ・「Secret Code」Music Clip & TV SPOT ・「約束」Music Clip & TV SPOT ・「スワンソング」Music Clip & TV SPOT


I dunno why I'm posting this entry Bascially, I dunno what the hell I'm doing I bought a new pair of earphones on Sat, AKG earphones new brand, good in Bass with volume control not bad and I am listening to KinKi's song as I am posting this entry sad songs as usual and today I weigh myself again 2kg down again this is good news to me~ must go down somemore I am off to force myself to write...