
Showing posts from April, 2010


Just came home from SC, after watching UP, in 3D... Saw the movie once last year with Esther & Zhangzhen Watched it again just now with Mum.. Family day again Watched it @ Annexe Hall One over @ SC Mum says the exhibition was a bit boring lolx it was alright lah I would have been happier if it's Square Enix haha can't help it, i'm a bigger fan of Square Enix

Holiday ended

So, my holiday has ended... too short then again, holidays are never long enough wish it was longer though... 3 days 2 nights apparently not enough... Japan.... December! Stretching to Jan 2011~~~~~ Lalalalala~~~

@ MacDonald

I'm over @ MacDonald now~ using its wi-fi thank goodness found a spare socket so dun have to worry about my laptop being low batt~~ can only get room @ 11.30am *yawn* a little sleepy now...


I've reached genting! It's freaking early now! Only 2+am now! Ok, waiting for food @ old town white coffee now - Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch


失去了之后 才懂得要珍惜 已经太迟了 无论说什么 做什么 都太晚了 爱情是如此脆弱的吗? 为何人总在失去了之后 才会后悔 才会知道自己错的有多离谱 一切却早已太晚挽回 后悔药是买不到的 这个道理要是人人都知道 都了解的话该多好

生日快乐, 我最爱的人

iiiiiiiiii |:H:a:p:p:y:| __|___________|__ |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |:B:i:r:t:h:d:a:y:| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to the one and only person that I love Domoto Tsuyoshi! Today is his 31st birthday! Happy Birthday to you, my love!

爱 ♥

很多时候 我会想 可以不说爱吗 可以不去爱吗 这世上 总有着很多为什么存在 很多时候 我们并不知道原因 越是想去探讨 越是不明白 其实只是一线之差 不是吗 这么说着很容易 但真正去了解的时候呢


以前听过。。 可忘了 最近又突然听到 结果,觉得越听越喜欢 但这是首很悲的歌的感觉 是啊,若我能死在你身旁的话, 真的。。。也不枉来人世走这趟。。。 胡彦斌《诀别诗》 出鞘剑 杀气荡 风起无月的战场 千军万马独身闯 一身是胆好儿郎 儿女情 前世帐 你的笑 活着怎么忘 美人泪,断人肠。 这能取人性命是胭脂烫 绝别诗 两三行 写在三月春雨的路上 若还能打着伞走在你的身旁 绝别诗 两三行 谁来我黄泉路上唱 若我能死在你身旁 也不枉来人世走这趟

Once again

Once again, I am thinking about certain issues or should i say topics? listening to 诀别诗 from 胡彦斌 listening to the lyrics as he sings, make me think of a lot of things about life and many more i think alot about many things many ppl even abt my job and of course the stupid money issue what is life? what is money? there are many things you tend to always ponder upon... sometimes it makes u feel good thinking about it most of the time, maybe not maybe i am pessimistic although i would say i am in middle i can be very extreme it's amazing i dun get serious depression now that i come to think of it hmmm many times, i think of death and of course about living... maybe the end of the world is really 12/2012 we never know till that day really comes... please do not let me leave this world full of regrets... enuff said... ------------ updates on my job, was the photographer @ Pixar's Media Preview today maybe you might see me on TV cos Channel Newsasia was here... I say maybe... oh wel...