
Showing posts from June, 2010

J Con DVD & Yakushiji DVD

I am in a bloody good mood today, first my Yakushiji DVD arrived, then the news of J Con DVD releasing on 11th Aug YES! Best News ever! But then again, if they could just release their 30th Single, I would be even happier~ Macbook is now in my sis's hands, we're upgrading the ram as I'm typing this entry in the office Bought Apple Care protection Keyboard protection, Sleeve Case a total damage of SGD492 I will share the cost a bit with my sister lah since me getting bonus...

Bug me, Irritate me

I have only one word in my mind now seriously only one word and I believe my patience has been wore out till now

I wonder

I wonder if Lynn, you're reading this, you would probably wanna kill me cos I shld really be posting updates of the fics already right? Ahem I shall this time round try my very best to update at least Test of Love by this weekend! Since I'm almost done with the SDK part (almost?) Those who dunno what the hell i'm talking abt is tat i'm writing a fic (think i mentioned that last year when i start writing) anyway, this fic is a KinKi Kids Fan Fiction~ and now I have 2 fics on hand, one being the very first one I wrote - Test Of Love and the other being - LoveHaze One is based on modern society the other on ancient japan (that would be lovehaze) Lovehaze's writing is actually killing me because i sorta changed the way i wrote TT^TT the style is different from Test of Love which is actually making or rather costing me twice as much time from how i spend on Test of Love... tsktsk (why do i feel as if i'm talking to myself....) oh well... back to work and speaking of ...


Actually, I'm not sure why I am posting this entry.. Right, went to Kino and spend over SGD100 bought mags, comics and books but totally worth every penny! Love going to Kino and buy books that I love! heehee back to reading.. tata