
Showing posts from August, 2010

Buffet later

Going to Japanese Buffet later Leaving house @ 5pm Then off to Kinokuniya With Sista Sayonara


Hmmm... So I have not been blogging in Aug... What have I been doing? Reading Reading Reading Writing Reading Reading Brother's Bday Celebration Watching KinKi's shows More KinKi stuffs Reading Kate's Baby Shower + Jocelyn's Bday Celebration Shopping Reading Writing Spending Money online Reading I think that's about it.... I am really an indoor person Seems pathetic But I'm enjoying this kinda life At least it's comfy! Adidios~


再次感到不安 是因为老觉得有什么不好的事会发生 老觉得他们会有什么事似的 嘛。。。 不要让我的心如此不安可好啊?