
Showing posts from September, 2011

K Album!

JE released the news of K album's release date! KinKi Kids K album   2011.11.9 RELEASE 「絆・軌跡・感謝・感動」をテーマに、これまで楽曲提供をして下さった豪華作家陣と 再びタッグを組み完成したメモリアル・アルバム!! 山下達郎、吉田拓郎、Dreams Come true、YO-KING、堂島孝平、筒美京平、 馬飼野康二、織田哲郎、伊秩弘将、松本隆、秋元康 etc・・・(順不同) 音楽を愛するすべての人に聴いてほしい1枚。 Seriously, it's a mixed feeling lolx Cos it's so ex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again, it's my beloved KinKi Kids.... It's gonna worth it! ■初回盤:JECN-0270~271 CD(全13曲)+DVD ☆CD収録曲☆ ※曲順未定 願う以上のこと 祈る以上のこと / 同窓会 / 危険な関係 / ラジコン / さよならのエトランゼ / Family ~ひとつになること / いのちの最後のひとしずく / ヒマラヤ・ブルー / もっと もっと / 破滅的Passion / 2nd Movement / Time / きみとぼくのなかで ☆デビューシングル「硝子の少年」から 最新シングル「Time」まで、KinKi Kidsシングル 全31曲のMusic Clipを収録したDVD付!!! ○初回盤仕様 ①32Pスペシ...


Ermmm Nope, I am not getting married Not in the near future, Not in a couple of years I leave it to fate... (my overseas friend says I'm too introvert) lolx Anyway, main pt of this post My cousin brother, who is one year younger than me, (I think) is getting married on the 1st October Still thinking if I should go attend the church ceremony... cos the venue is all the way at the EAST! =.= A bit "near" hor... My bro's supposed to go be the "door opener" So he has to go to my uncle's place real early Hmm.... We'll see how things go...


No matter how much I feel lost and hesitated now. I need to live the way I want at last. 无论我此时是如何的彷徨迷茫, 最终,我都要过上自己想 要的生活。

Let's see

Actually, what I wanna say is.... I'm not sure who actually comes to my blog, I mean this one Sometimes, to understand a person who doesn't deserve you to feel concerned for them is very tiring.... I know how it feels Actually, I should be ignoring that fact from now onwards What's the point anyway....


It is time for me to do what I should have done ages ago Be invisible


【人间失格】是KinKi的三部曲里的第一部 也是最悲伤、最禁忌、最虐人的一部 他们俩在里头奉献了各自的初吻 但是这部戏却没有美好的结局 诚死去了 留加精神失常了,在知道诚死了之后 诚在戏里一直被人欺负 没有理由的被欺负 他从没做错什么 可却一直被欺负。。。最后他受不了了 被他们逼得跳楼 这部戏不管是放在当年还是现在 都是会让人争议的一部绝好的戏 他们演出这部戏的时候还很年轻 这部戏,我只看了一遍 而且还是没看完的那种 我没法看完,看不下去 因为真的真的很虐人啊 虐心+虐身。。。


There are many times one would wonder why Why to this Why to that Why to everything I ask myself WHY too I wish I can find the answer to those WHYs......

New interface eh....

Blogger has a new interface... and it looks weird... maybe i'm just not getting used to the new look, afterall, for freaking 5 years, or was it 6, i was using the previous version~~ alas... going to attend mitchell's wedding dinner in a couple of hours, let's see, around 10 hours later~ need to trim my eyebrows, do my hair a little bit of make up which, btw are all to what i dun like doing.... i'm lazy? maybe i just don't like having "paint" over my face.... =_=

Sept already!?

OMFG! It's Sept already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time flies................... Praying hard to get a new job asap... Seriously running outta cash!