
Showing posts from November, 2011


Let's see If you know me well and long enough You will know that I am not a person who will take the initiative to contact anyone Not that I'm not "eager" or "keen" enough to maintain the friendship Oh well...


一个苦者对和尚说:“我放不下一些事,放不下一些人。” 和尚说:“没有什么东西是放不下的。” 他说:“可我就偏偏放不下。” 和尚让他拿着一个茶杯,然后就往里面倒热水,一直倒到水溢出来 苦者被烫到马上松开了手。 和尚说:“这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就会放下”


今朝は 仕事 の 面接 に行ってきました 。 だから、 うまくいけば 、 すべてが うまく 行く と 、私は 仕事 を得る! 私は たくさんのお金 が必要! これほど多く 払う 事 と の支払いに 手形 !

K Album!

The arrival of K Album! Limited Press and Normal Press I woke up and open the door, within 10 secs, Mr Fedex came! Such a coincidence! =)) and a pic from TV Guide! They hold hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For how long we've all been waiting for this! Heehee


可悲的人类 可悲的人生


There are many reasons behind why I love KinKi Kids so much That goes the same as to why I love Tsuyoshi too Words are beyond how I can describe What the both of them bring to me is far more from what I can give them or even to other people The music that they bring to me Gives me life Gives me support in many ways I know it may sound rather ridiculous to many However This is really how I feel I am truly thankful and grateful For the presence of KinKi Kids Thank you Johnny san for discovering them Thank you Koichi and Tsuyoshi for being the KinKi Kids we all know Thank you for everything I love you guys --------------------------- This is yet another confession of mine... It just suddenly hit me So I gotta pen it down They are all true in case you're wondering From the bottom of my heart


我一直不太明白 倘若说你很在乎一个人 那又为什么要去伤害他 伤害了之后才来后悔 那又有什么用 难道没有人理解 后悔药是买不到的吗 这难道是一种心理变态不成