
Showing posts from 2012

Belated xmas !!!

OK So I know I'm late But here's Xmas greetings from KinKi Kids ~


Every time they say they do not have one another's contact.. Deep in my heart I'm smiling or rather giggling cos it's simple, they either already memorise it or they are *coughing * staying near or better yet together!!!! ヽ(^。^)ノ Alrighty It's just me day dreaming again XD

New phone!

Using my new phone to post still trying to get used to the phone It's Samsung galaxy Note ll Bought because of the functions nt the brand Pics up later

Getting new phone soon!

Contract ended! Can get new phone! Planning to get Samsung Galaxy Note II LTE hmmm~ seems like a not bad phone i think But it's out of stock!!!! Darn!

New phone soon...

hmmm I wonder if i have blogged last mth anyways... i am now planning to get a new phone but what phone shld i get samsung note 2 ? iphone 5? hmmm


OMG I can't believe myself! I can actually dun use laptop for close to a mth! lolx hmmm I wonder why


獅子座 - 不愛你就絕口不提愛你  巨蟹座 - 對你說愛代表我真的愛  天蠍座 - 我對你的愛就是綁著你  射手座 - 給我自由我就會愛上你  雙魚座 - 我的浪漫就代表我的愛  處女座 - 我愛你但是我言不由衷  雙子座 - 你是眞愛我就不會花心  白羊座 - 我愛你全世界都會知道  天秤座 - 黏著你就是我最大幸福  金牛座 - 我越愛你我越說不出愛  水瓶座 - 不隨便愛愛上就致命愛  魔羯座 - 我愛你我就會給你未來

Happy 15th Anniversary~~

Happy 15th Anniversary to  KinKi Kids!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay, Salary's in half gone already... and Credit card bills not paid yet = = FML Oh well, it'll be better next month *crossing my fingers*


屬狗的水瓶座的特點 水瓶座肖狗者是只聖伯納型的狗,他會照料事情,在別人需要時伸出援救的手,寬慰別人的哀愁憂傷,體念那些較自己不幸者的遭遇。在所有這些慈善行為與表面看 來無私的行動中,水瓶肖狗者也同時花費很大的精神去照顧自己。 水瓶肖狗者樂意為別人排解困難。他們尋找需要幫助的人為伴。他們尋找牽扯不清的情感關係並永遠受其重複的考驗。他們樂於提供建議並表達自己的意見。水瓶肖 狗者既吵嘈又性急,他們追求他們所想望的,並且不怕佔別人便宜。他們相當輕率而殘忍。這位肖狗者有種憤世嫉俗的傾向。他相當善於批評,而幾乎是自以為是的 道德主義者。但是他是位操心者,水瓶屬性想要幫助這位肖狗者,讓他有喘息的時間,並指引他如何保持冷靜遠離外在環境所引起的痛苦,避開哲學的混濁,探索自 己的敏感性,依循已有的複雜思維,瞭解並接受自己。 水瓶座肖狗者以創作力與己身敏銳的神經質作戰,這種人沉浸於辛勤的工作中。雖然有時顯得零散、他們總是充滿精力不斷地在行動。基本上他並不穩定, 而唯有在解開他受縛的複雜環節上才能顯得意氣風發。他沒有心機而過於坦白。他是位注重社交攀援的人,頗為在意同僚的賞識。雖然他常抱怨生活的壓迫與不公, 他卻是第一個從中受益的人。他的幽默感既辛辣又具諷刺性。 所以说, 我们是矛盾的个体 = =

有时真的觉得很累 好烦哦 ((((;゚Д゚)))))))


*cough* so i am spamming... horoscope - Aquarius.... bear with me.... 从眼神了解水瓶座的内心:水瓶座的人,目光属于飘忽型的,喜欢不停的转换观察的对象,喜欢看真正目标旁边的第二目标或者旁边的不明物,很少直视目标,不喜欢对视,经常左顾右盼,看天看地.说明他们内心活动激烈又空洞,经常会很矛盾. 水瓶的性格中比较不好的一面就是,他们多半具有自我伤害的倾向。比较起来的话,他们伤害自己的可能性还比伤害别人来得大。他们的情绪可能很不稳定,而且有时会心不在焉、紧张兮兮的,只顾自己感觉,又很容易被惹毛。他们对于外在的刺激非常敏感,而且多半有一种强烈的渴望,想要远离尘世的喧嚣。 虽然水瓶不见得是各星座中最聪明的,但是他们一般来说学习力都很强,而且十分机警,不过有时候是太过敏了一点。他们就像是大多数的纯种赛马一样,性格急躁易怒,总是格格地咬着马勒,迫不及待要上场比赛。水瓶的没耐心是出了名的,他们最受不了的,就是那些讲话慢吞吞又优柔寡断的慢郎中。 心思有时谨慎,有时大意,水瓶的行为本来就不是别人能够掌控的,甚至就连他们自己也常常搞不懂自己到底要的是什么。但是 ,有一点是他们至始至终都会坚持的,那就是友情。从小时候的玩伴,到后来的死党,密友,一旦认定,就会是水瓶一辈子的朋友,也会是他们的精神粮食。 对于人生的抉择,水瓶座的选择通常不会很极端,但是很可能出人意料之外。在面对爱情,尤其是面对婚姻时,水瓶座希望找到一个可以和他共同探索人生的伴侣。所以,一文不名恐怕会落得贫贱夫妻百事哀的后果;而精神上没有沟通更是把自己送进牢笼。于是,水瓶座会以不凡的远见,做一个自认最明智的抉择。 水瓶座的内心真的是很温柔,这种温柔绝不是娇柔做作的那种,而是有一颗明事理的心。 水瓶懂得尊重别人,这并不是人云亦云,事实上,水瓶没有那么多的好奇心去在乎每个人的想法,对自己不在乎的人,又何必较真呢!这是水瓶做人的道。而对于自 己爱的人,他们的一言一行水瓶会拿来奉做圣经。 水瓶座一旦付出,便是彻底,不可收回。 感情投入的越多越是伤的重。 最擅长的是难为自己。不知道,受伤的其实是自己,只是不知道如何表现出来。 爱,这个字对水瓶座来说,太沉重珍贵了,无法用语言诠释。一旦说出口,犹如远古的文物,被发掘出土暴露于空气中,变得面目全非,失去...

Or so they say...

Colleagues mentioned... well they heard from their agents, I heard from mine before that if we failed the tests for the 3rd time it's Sayonara good bye for us I'm not saying I'm not stress... I'm just trying to be calm and try my best Actually, I was thinking... it was a bit noisy when we were doing the test but oh well... pros and cons i guess maybe i should have my headphone on when i'm doing the retest tml... hmmm wish me good luck


(#‵′)靠!!!! 你他妈的!人家超生碍着你了还是怎么样?是,他们是没钱付罚款,可是这不代表你们可以就这样不顾他人意愿,强行绑了她,逼她把7个月的胎儿弄死!!!! 王八蛋!说什么她答应了要拿掉宝宝,如果不要,早在当初怀孕的时候就不要了好不好!7个月的宝宝早就有了心跳,是能存活的!你们这样,是谋杀!谋杀!!!!! 你们会有报应!!!!   不要说是什么国家政策,国家政策有说让你强行去逼人拿掉成型的孩子吗?!!!!! 你说啊!!!!! 那就不是人命了是不是?孕妇和孩子就没有人权了是吗?! (#‵ ′)靠! 混蛋!!!!混蛋!!!! 钱重要过生命是吧?!你们眼里只有钱是吧?! 难怪你们中国的贪污那么严重,根本就是官官相护!有钱的就逍遥法外,没钱的就只能白白受苦。。。就是这样,你们贫穷的人才一直那么多!你们把钱花到哪里 了?! 是,我不是中国人,或许我没那个资格去知道。 你们肯花大把钱在奥运,但是那些更需要你们帮助的地区呢?!不要说你们有尽你们所能了,你们确定没有官员中饱私囊了吗? 算我们这些旁观者求求你们吧,请你们想一想到底什么才是对人民好的。。 他们需要的不是昙花一现,而是能过带给他们希望,安稳的国家、政府、官员。 为什么越来越多人选择移民?为什么会有人到我住的地方落地生根?仅仅只是因为货币问题,经济问题吗?不全然好吗! 当你的人民渐渐【尤其是那些有学历,有能力的】往外跑而不回去后,那是不是说,有些地方出了什么错?到底是什么外来因素,难道你们都没有好好想过吗?我 想,你们是有的,但是你们做了什么来挽留吗? 超 生是一个社会问题,是人都看得出来。 人口老化,是个不能避免的问题,包括新加坡。 你们说超生会影响很多问题,但是,有的人不小心怀孕了,或是他们也不想让他们的孩子孤单长大。。。那不怀,也怀了。。你难道就真的要逼人去堕胎吗?7个月 的宝宝就不是条人命了吗? 这是谋杀啊!超生的罚款,你们难道就没想过太不符合实际了吗?8000新币的罚款,有这么多钱的话,他们不会改善自己的生活吗?这些钱倒不如好好用来教育 下一代。。你们到底是有脑子还是没脑子了啊? 就 算我不说市区的人们好了,你们是知道的吧,不要说不知道,现在还有多少可怜的孩子不能够读书,你知道他们为了要认识多一点字,每天要走多久多远的路吗?他 们在什么样的环境下成长吗...


Alrighty Went for interview yesterday Got the job today Contract signed! HAHAHAAH Starting work on Monday~ Wish me luck!


Sigh... Almost June now... And... I am still.... jobless = = Sigh....

Happy 21st Anniversary!

Happy 21st Anniversary since 1991!!!! You've known each other for 21 years! ヾ( ̄∇ ̄=ノ バンザーイ♪ヾ(_ _)ノ モヒトツヾ= ̄∇ ̄)ノ バンザーイ♪

情の一字永远害人不浅 每个女人都希望自己的爱情是最完美的 希望自己爱的人永远心里只有她一人 当然 往往事实却非如此 一生一世一双人 这个谁不希望呢


お誕生日おめでとう 剛 さん~~~


The thing about life... Sometimes I feel so tired about living Sometimes I wish everything can just end Maybe it's this depressive part of me I don't know... Sending so many resumes out And having only a few replied back asking to turn up for interviews... And yet till today... Unemployed... Sigh... I'm not picky at all... But why... Is this just pure bad luck? Please bless me... I seriously need a job... one that lasts...

Life itself is joke, as always

Why would I say so? I mean wouldn't anyone of you think of that before? Life itself is indeed a joke, we can jolly well play joke on ourselves and make fun of it. It's true we can play jokes on ourselves anytime, but is it alright for us to make fun of others? I do not know... I do, however know that each one of us has our own opinions, I do not deny that In fact, I agree on that. However so, I do have to say, maybe it's just me or my character, Most of the time, I cannot tolerate having or seeing others making fun of other... I just feel that it's not right... sigh.... I am a rather serious person, sometimes stubborn, and also, a bad tempered person... I never deny that either... When I chose to pour it all out, I really meant what I'm saying I just cannot accept the fact that there are people who actually admittedly say that by "insulting" them means they love them...  Can anyone really explain that to me? I just can...


No doubt, reality hurts I never deny that Humanity... Tsktsk...


一直以来 我都觉得自己其实挺冷血的 或许是因为 很多时候的我 可以对很多事很多人 都无动于衷 但是 却很意外的 我会对一些小事 甚至是小故事 或是短短的一个句子 而泪流不止 是我感情丰富吗 还是我太容易被感动或感伤 其实我自己也不知道 我甚至连我自己都不了解我自己 你了解我吗?


お誕生日おめでとうございます!   It's my birthday today!!!!!!! I'm officially 30 now = = *cough* Not that I really care... lolx but oh well Hope my wishes and prayers will be heard and come true!

Lunar Birthday!

It's my lunar birthday today!!!! It's very rare that my lunar birthday comes before my actual birthday lolx Hope my wishes will come true!

It's the year of DRAGON!

DRAGON year now! It's actually the 2nd day of Chinese New Year now! *yawn* I should be dozing soon~ Happy Lunar New Year to all!

KinKi Kids' 32th Single - 変わったかたちの石

【変わったかたちの石】 will be officially released today! 11th January 2012! The first single for 2012! And 2012 will be KinKi Kids 15th Debut Anniversary! Hopefully there will be some events to celebrate the 15th Anniversary! Can't believe that they've debuted for 15 years already!!! Time flies, but we fans know one thing for sure... KinKi Kids Forever! Cover for First limited press of 変わったかたちの石 Love it! Love the song too! Then again, I seldom don't like their songs, I love them all! Especially the ones the both of them co-write! =))

New Year Resolution?

I know some people have New Year Resolutions... I seldom have... *cough* Cos I know it's hard to keep them... Tsk Right, I know... Cos I know I lack the "power" to whip myself... However, I will try my very best to keep them this year *Crossing my fingers* Here's my New Year Resolutions: 1) To get a job asap (I wish and wish and wish, folks, pray for me too k) 2) To save more $ (Shouldn't be too hard I think) 3) To lose more weight (In progress now.... more to go) 4) To cut down visiting the Cyberworld (A little hard, since I do a lot of things over there) 5) To go to Japan again (If I manage to save, this shld be easy) 6) To get a iPad! (Nah, this one's just joking... maybe?) 7) To get an e-reader! (This one I've been aiming for some time) 8) To get moi-self a kareshi (Very hard I think, 5 stars difficulty) 9) To get a PS3! (If I keep spending... I will never be able to save and go Japan = =) 10) To stop listing more re...

Happy Birthday to my friend....

Happy Birthday Esther! She just hit the big 3-0 too! It's yet another benchmark! Best wishes! Anyway, I've also wished her via sms~~~ *cough* Heehee

Happy Birthday to my friend...

Happy Birthday Aiqing! She just hit the big 3-0! It's yet another benchmark! Best wishes! Anyway, I've also wished her @ Facebook~ *cough* Heehee

Happy Birthday to Dad!

Today's my ah pa's birthday! He hit 62 this year! Well, not that he looked like those ah pehs yet... At least that's how I feel when he had his hair dyed~ Happy Birthday~~


お誕生日おめでとうございます!!!! Happy 33rd Birthday Koichi san! 光一桑!!!! 祝你33岁生日快乐! 请继续和老婆大人恩恩爱爱哦!