...Harmony Of my life...

is it the time of the year or wat...
it's the last installation of the Harry Potter series...
and i got it first hand on the release date itself...
booked in in late Feb and only got it on the 21st July...
saw the movie " Harry Potter & the Order of the Phonenix " a week before the book was released... with 3 of my secondary buddies...namely, Esther, Jeannie and Shanting... we met for the harry potter mania everytime the movie shows... ever since the first movie...

then i was thinking recently...
do i need friends who dun understand what i think?
apparently i can tell u straight in the face - NO...
i have a lot of friends whom i treasure all these years.. but there are some who betrayed my trust... but it's okay... cos i do not need them to live... there are others who i can count on and trust and share ard my feelings...

my pre-uni frenz whom i treasure very dearly... they've been with me thrgh my bad and good times... i can pour my heart to them... especially ZL and Mit...
and there's also Norlin, CL and a couple more...
my nafa frenz are also close to me, we met regularly, once in a couple of mths...
and there's also the frens that i had when i worked at CPF... Pris, Jiawen n Peiyi...

god i miss the times i had in pre-uni, nafa n cpf sia...

enough of these talks for a while...


10 years...
it's been 10 years since i laid my eyes and love on him

10 freaking years and i'm still madly in love with him,
and i hope there's many 10 years to come... 认真的男人最帅!

haha COngrats on the 10th anniversary, my love Tsuyoshi Domoto on his GRP -- KinKi Kids...


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