
Showing posts from 2010


以前曾经说过不看言情小说 不过在今年起,开始看了。。 人还真是奇怪啊 看了那么多的故事后 老实说,我对于爱情的见解变了很多 或许隐约觉得自己怕了。。。 恩。。 算了。。顺其自然吧。。。


好吧, 觉得有那么点无聊 本来应该出门 可是又很懒 唉。。。 距离去日本不到一个月了 兴奋的心情很难说得清 好想快点看到他们哦~


嗯。。 其实我想过不止一次 我是真的很想就一直留在那里不回来 嘛 虽然还没去,哈哈,但是我知道去了就不是很想回来了 要不是语言上我还是不行 我还真的很想就留在那里 嗯, 要努力,把言语上的障碍搞定!!! 【握拳】

What a big joke

It's the biggest joke of the year I've never believed in feeling attached to a place, and it's god damn true FYL! I'm not gonna FML cos I know I'll have a better one!

One Month

Wow, it's been a gap of one month since my last post... how surprising.. or not? oh well... down with cough and sore throat and slight feverish was on mc yesterday then now... busy work daily non-stop new girl still not in! when sia! sigh hmmm... been busy on writing...and dragging shld be updating soon but just dun feel like writing... TAT that's bad... bought a lot of stuffs like winter clothes... still need to get cap, gloves T^T 2 more days to pay day + friday's D&D... hopefully can win top prize SGD 2000 worth of Tiger Airways Vouchers! if win liao, i go Taiwan (dun think Tiger goes to Japan...)

如果说 有人问我 你爱过吗 我会说 我爱过的吧 虽然那是我单方面的爱 28岁了 不是不会想 而是不去想 选择逃避着 很多时候 我希望时间可以停止 我很享受现在的日子 上上班 回来后 就上上网 做做自己喜欢的事 看小说也好 看漫画也好 怎么样都好 我喜欢自由自在的过着 不喜欢被约束 每天这样 看着他也好 只要有听到他的声音也好 我是这么认为的 有时候,爱可以很简单的 不是吗?

Happy Children's Day

Happy Children's Day to all! Ahem, of course, technically speaking... We're no longer children... but still! Happy Children's day to all~


I am so happy and blessed~ I dreamt of Tsuyo~~~ In my dream, Tsuyo is like my best buddy or something He was accompanying me to buy some stuffs and no one seems to recognize Tsuyo! Tsuyo lets me hold tight to his arm~ So sweet of Tsuyo!!!! Ahhhhhhhh Too bad i gotta wake up and go to work... T^T I would have die to continue dreaming.... :( but still, Tsuyo!!!!


Seriously, I like what I'm doing as in what I love doing... not about work I like to read I like to write I love getting myself high with KinKi Kids Especially Tsuyoshi... You might not understand why but to be able to like him and his music (and of course their music) is something I truly enjoy and love I have no regrets in getting their stuffs and of course if I am unable to get it for certain stupid reason of course I will get mad You might think of it as a waste of money but I think it's worth every penny Yes, it is true I cannot bring any of these when I step into my grave But it's my own freaking money... Tell me what is wrong with spending my own money? I shall jolly well burn them all with me when I step into my own grave...

Buffet later

Going to Japanese Buffet later Leaving house @ 5pm Then off to Kinokuniya With Sista Sayonara


Hmmm... So I have not been blogging in Aug... What have I been doing? Reading Reading Reading Writing Reading Reading Brother's Bday Celebration Watching KinKi's shows More KinKi stuffs Reading Kate's Baby Shower + Jocelyn's Bday Celebration Shopping Reading Writing Spending Money online Reading I think that's about it.... I am really an indoor person Seems pathetic But I'm enjoying this kinda life At least it's comfy! Adidios~


再次感到不安 是因为老觉得有什么不好的事会发生 老觉得他们会有什么事似的 嘛。。。 不要让我的心如此不安可好啊?


Had my hair chopped and colored today... hmmm not so bad quite like it i guess... i am tired now yawn about to go out again


未来的我将在何处呢 是否还是如此 我有很多梦想 能不能实现 都在一念之差 想要实现 只能靠自己 到你的国度 看着才华洋溢的你 那是我目前唯一也是最想做的 我的要求真的不过分 只要一眼就好 知道你幸福快乐 我也会觉得幸福的


突然探讨来生这个话题 其实也不是空穴来风 想过这个问题许久 人生若只是短短几十年 一定会有未完成的梦想 我时常在想 如果, 我就此离去 我的朋友当中 有几个会真正记得我 我现在有很多未完成的梦想 我想相信爱情 想相信未来 又有何人可以为我点亮一盏明灯呢?

Happy 13th Anniversary to KinKi Kids!!!!

My most beloved idols! Happy 13th Anniversary since 21st July 1997!!!! We've all come a long way but rest assured, we fans will stick to you guys like super glue for the next 287 years!!! 最爱的KinKi Kids! 十三周年快乐! 未来的287年也请多多指教了!

Getting there

It's getting nearer to 721~ Coming to 13 years~ Time flies~ But... I'm sure we will all walk with the both of you for the next 287 years~ I love you, KinKi Kids! Okay, so it's a little bit early for confession, but I can't help it... 721 is one big day for us~


至今, 哥哥逝世已7年 据说是为了感情和抑郁 才选择自杀 倘若真有那么要选择的一天 我只想说, 你要好好活下去 为了自己和爱你的人 不要想不开 曾经的你 看不透人生 现在的你,我希望可以快快乐乐


幾乎每個水瓶座的心底都有著一段刻骨銘心人間記憶,一個永遠無法忘記的背影。  那也許只是極其短暫的兩情相悅,只是一種單戀,或只是一種只存在於虛幻空 間。  一切看起來是那麼平靜,那麼和諧。  沒有驚天動地,沒有海誓山盟,沒有花前月下,沒有浪漫,沒有誓言,沒有溫度。水瓶座的理智和冷漠,注定了任 何感情永無燃點。  水瓶座不容易喜歡上一個人。有人說水瓶座對伴侶的要求太高,其實並非這樣,水瓶座注重的是感覺。只是那麼輕描淡寫的一眼,那個人已經 吸引了水瓶的所有注意力,從此目光便無法轉移。  用一秒鐘愛上一個人,然後再付出一生去忘記,水瓶座就是這樣的試驗品。  但幾乎所有的水瓶都會否認在 自己的身上發生一見鍾情,因為一向自視清高,承認愛上一個人這鍾事似乎是在侮辱自己的智商。  更多的時候是因為,連自己都沒發現已經愛上。水瓶座很多時 候對於感情反應非常遲鈍,遲鈍到每次都是最後的知情者。有時容易出現弄不清自己的感覺,不清楚自己想做什麼,覺得迷惘。  在對方沒有非常明確地表示感情 時會退怯,覺得愛情是兩廂情願,不想勉強對方。  顯得很被動,忽冷忽熱,猶豫不決,極其矛盾。在沒有完全確定前,決不輕易付出感情,因為怕失去。也許是 缺乏安全感,也許是對自己的保護,也可以算作是一種自私。  一般水瓶座的好朋友都是經過很長世間的考察的,不僅僅是幾年,而是十幾年。一旦被水瓶座當作 好朋友的,會赴湯蹈火掏心掏肺。  在公車上,街邊,商場,水瓶老是認錯人。在茫茫人海中,始終在尋找一個熟悉的身影,直到產生幻覺。  這一刻,水瓶座 突然很想痛哭流涕,因為突然發現自己幾近瘋狂的愛上一個人,失去了理智,失去了自我。這種突如其來的感覺,很恐懼,很無助。  水瓶座不喜歡這種感覺,因 為不知該如何面對。要讓水瓶座主動去追逐,是件異常困難的事,在水瓶座的世界裡無法承受拒絕,就是這麼脆弱,無論表面上看來是多麼的堅強。  水瓶座在人 前總是一幅無憂無慮沒心沒肝的樣子,不想別人看見自己的悲傷,那樣會有不安全的感覺,總是在無人的地方暗自落淚。  算了,還是放在心裡吧。既不用尷尬的 表白然後遭到拒絕,又不會相愛容易相處難的慘烈分手。這樣很好,沒人看出來,不至於太沒面子。可以繼續貌似瀟灑。  但是,不同了。儘管水瓶座裝著多麼不 在乎,看都不看一眼。可是對方說的每句話都從耳朵進去,沒見出來。對方提的任何過分的要求,水瓶座統統照單全...


水瓶座 看到过花瓶的样子吗?口很小,想伸进去很难,但如果你能进入瓶子里,你真的会看到一个广阔无比的空间。瓶子们就是这样的。    当他们觉得你是真的真的 爱他们,和你在一起真的真的安全时,他们会开始回馈的。他们回馈的时候你会惊奇到不敢相信,因为他们一旦爱一个人真的是无微不至。不过他们也很容易厌倦的 呀,瓶子们有一颗猫一样的心,你要永远对他们有吸引力才好。不然他们很难不偷猩的。男瓶尤其如此,他们有的时候真的是做了对不起你的事也丝毫没有愧疚。有 时候他们会无理的想只要我心里真正爱的是你不会离开你就是真的爱你。他们的自由有时就是放纵的借口。   但瓶子们也有弱点的,当他做伤害你的事的时候, 你要懂得让他换位思考,甚至直接用他对你的方式隔天对他试试。他就会渐渐明白对你的伤害是怎样的了。他爱你他就会逐渐的懂得在乎你的感受。   瓶子们轻 易不说我爱你这三个字的,这三个字在他眼里太神圣,更重要的原因是他们觉得说了这三个字在爱情中仿佛主动权就失去了。他们太怕失去爱情中的主动权。但你却 不能不对他们说,很没有道理,但没办法的。如果一个瓶子对你说了太多的我爱你,反而证明他内心深处对你没感觉只是玩玩而已了。   爱上瓶子是一件很苦的 事,所以爱瓶子的人不要问为什么该怎样,你只要在内心深处问问你自己能不能承受就好了。如果你觉得值得就去接着付出,如果你觉得不值得就勇敢的放弃。除非 他转身,不然再不要给瓶子们机会。当然如果一个瓶子转身过太多次又伤害过你太多次也就放手的好。不然他会从心里有些瞧不起你的。    瓶子们若爱上对 方,真的是占有欲好强的。他们轻易不表现出来,因为他怕他们过强的占有欲会泄露了他爱你不能没有你的底牌。不过如果他们开始限制你吃你的醋,那他一定是好 爱好爱你的。    瓶子们有时候真的很难真正相信他们的爱人。而且越是爱有时候越难相信。因为他们的谎言有时说的好多所以总觉得别人也是在欺骗。     千万不要轻易伤害了瓶子们的心,瓶子们对爱情很没有承受力的。你可能想象不到,当你刚刚气痛了你的瓶子或是和你的瓶子谈分手跳脚离开的同时,他们可能就 会打电话给他们的红颜知己或是有暖味关系的朋友们,说一些过分的话做一些过分的事甚至当夜就会和他们发生什么……,瓶子们不是想背叛你,瓶子们只是好悲 伤,找不到更合适的方式来发泄。好多被伤害过的瓶子都会生活得很烂很灰色,虽然过后可能会...


嗯。。。 看了刚在药师寺演出的报道 突然好想立刻飞到那里去 不知道年底去日本时, 有么有机会到药师寺一趟 看看刚所看到的天空 刚所喜欢的奈良 刚染了头发 隔了好几年没染的他 终于又染呢

On Leave.......... soon

Soon, very soon very very soon i will take 2 weeks' worth of leave to enjoy myself~ lalalalalalalalala~


何谓永远 一辈子是永远吗? KK的约定---300年。。。 你们真的能在一起300年吗? 记得刚他说过 这是时代决定的 但我却自始自终都相信 你们可以的 绝对可以维持下去的 你们的牵绊是如此的深 我坚信不会断的 现下, 我只希望你们平平安安 健健康康 安安乐乐无忧无虑 我会祝福你们的 我的至爱


嗯。。。或许以前 我会很在意存在感这个问题 不过现在 倒是觉得无所谓 不是说不在意 而是 在意能改变什么吗? 不尽然吧 学会珍惜自己 比其他都来得重要 不是吗?

J Con DVD & Yakushiji DVD

I am in a bloody good mood today, first my Yakushiji DVD arrived, then the news of J Con DVD releasing on 11th Aug YES! Best News ever! But then again, if they could just release their 30th Single, I would be even happier~ Macbook is now in my sis's hands, we're upgrading the ram as I'm typing this entry in the office Bought Apple Care protection Keyboard protection, Sleeve Case a total damage of SGD492 I will share the cost a bit with my sister lah since me getting bonus...

Bug me, Irritate me

I have only one word in my mind now seriously only one word and I believe my patience has been wore out till now

I wonder

I wonder if Lynn, you're reading this, you would probably wanna kill me cos I shld really be posting updates of the fics already right? Ahem I shall this time round try my very best to update at least Test of Love by this weekend! Since I'm almost done with the SDK part (almost?) Those who dunno what the hell i'm talking abt is tat i'm writing a fic (think i mentioned that last year when i start writing) anyway, this fic is a KinKi Kids Fan Fiction~ and now I have 2 fics on hand, one being the very first one I wrote - Test Of Love and the other being - LoveHaze One is based on modern society the other on ancient japan (that would be lovehaze) Lovehaze's writing is actually killing me because i sorta changed the way i wrote TT^TT the style is different from Test of Love which is actually making or rather costing me twice as much time from how i spend on Test of Love... tsktsk (why do i feel as if i'm talking to myself....) oh well... back to work and speaking of ...


Actually, I'm not sure why I am posting this entry.. Right, went to Kino and spend over SGD100 bought mags, comics and books but totally worth every penny! Love going to Kino and buy books that I love! heehee back to reading.. tata


刚刚又看了个小说 直接飙泪了 倘若你真的不爱她 不要娶她 娶了之后 伤了她的心 后来你娶了你自己心爱的女人 却伤了这个无辜的人 让她决定不要了孩子 一条无辜的小生命就这样没了 这都是你害的 爱。。。 就是这么的伤人 看的我心寒了 假如有一天 我真的爱上了那么一个人 请你不要因为所谓的承诺就和我在一起 这只会让我更痛苦 有感而发。。。


刚刚看了我一直再追的小说的连载更新 看到我想骂人 骂的就是男主角 你他妈的! 第三者的话你就信 你儿子 你老婆的 你反而一概不信 我对你彻底失望 露儿这次肯定会离开了 你开心啦 你去和那狐狸精在一起好了 你的儿子女儿再也不会认你这个爹了! 看到我这次心都要碎了 奶奶的 作者,你行行好 不要再虐露儿了啦 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 一段感情 一旦少了最基本的信任 就什么也不是了 可为何偏偏那最基本的信任 确是永远最难得到?

Hisashi Mitsui 三井寿

Today is the Birthday of my Fav anime/manga character! Hisashi Mitsui! 三井寿! Loved him since Seconday school days More than 10years now~ Noticed all my nicks or rather my main user names are the same~ All related to Mitsui! =)) and seriously, it is cos of SLAMDUNK that I like Basketball~ =))


看来老娘我又华丽丽的生病了 ⊙﹏⊙b汗 严重鼻塞啊


Ergghh One of my favourite (well recently became my fav) forum kept blocking me from logging in! I'm not the only one, apparently there are quite a far bit of ppl having the same problem as i do but it irritates me! cos i can't get in! since morning till now!!! ERGGH Hopefully by tml, i can login.... sianz


Now that KinKi's 19th Anniversary is up I must say, Seriously, Without Johnny inviting our dear KK to Hikaru Genji's Con on 1991, 5th May We would have never get to see KK now! So Dear Johnny Kitagawa, We LOVE YOU! As much as we love our dear KK cos you brought them together! and now we have them to love! Johnny, you're their matchmaker! heehee =)) (yes, i'm in a mood to promote KKL)


祝光一和刚俩人相识十九周年快乐! 撒花~~~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦


Just came home from SC, after watching UP, in 3D... Saw the movie once last year with Esther & Zhangzhen Watched it again just now with Mum.. Family day again Watched it @ Annexe Hall One over @ SC Mum says the exhibition was a bit boring lolx it was alright lah I would have been happier if it's Square Enix haha can't help it, i'm a bigger fan of Square Enix

Holiday ended

So, my holiday has ended... too short then again, holidays are never long enough wish it was longer though... 3 days 2 nights apparently not enough... Japan.... December! Stretching to Jan 2011~~~~~ Lalalalala~~~

@ MacDonald

I'm over @ MacDonald now~ using its wi-fi thank goodness found a spare socket so dun have to worry about my laptop being low batt~~ can only get room @ 11.30am *yawn* a little sleepy now...


I've reached genting! It's freaking early now! Only 2+am now! Ok, waiting for food @ old town white coffee now - Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch


失去了之后 才懂得要珍惜 已经太迟了 无论说什么 做什么 都太晚了 爱情是如此脆弱的吗? 为何人总在失去了之后 才会后悔 才会知道自己错的有多离谱 一切却早已太晚挽回 后悔药是买不到的 这个道理要是人人都知道 都了解的话该多好

生日快乐, 我最爱的人

iiiiiiiiii |:H:a:p:p:y:| __|___________|__ |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |:B:i:r:t:h:d:a:y:| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to the one and only person that I love Domoto Tsuyoshi! Today is his 31st birthday! Happy Birthday to you, my love!

爱 ♥

很多时候 我会想 可以不说爱吗 可以不去爱吗 这世上 总有着很多为什么存在 很多时候 我们并不知道原因 越是想去探讨 越是不明白 其实只是一线之差 不是吗 这么说着很容易 但真正去了解的时候呢


以前听过。。 可忘了 最近又突然听到 结果,觉得越听越喜欢 但这是首很悲的歌的感觉 是啊,若我能死在你身旁的话, 真的。。。也不枉来人世走这趟。。。 胡彦斌《诀别诗》 出鞘剑 杀气荡 风起无月的战场 千军万马独身闯 一身是胆好儿郎 儿女情 前世帐 你的笑 活着怎么忘 美人泪,断人肠。 这能取人性命是胭脂烫 绝别诗 两三行 写在三月春雨的路上 若还能打着伞走在你的身旁 绝别诗 两三行 谁来我黄泉路上唱 若我能死在你身旁 也不枉来人世走这趟

Once again

Once again, I am thinking about certain issues or should i say topics? listening to 诀别诗 from 胡彦斌 listening to the lyrics as he sings, make me think of a lot of things about life and many more i think alot about many things many ppl even abt my job and of course the stupid money issue what is life? what is money? there are many things you tend to always ponder upon... sometimes it makes u feel good thinking about it most of the time, maybe not maybe i am pessimistic although i would say i am in middle i can be very extreme it's amazing i dun get serious depression now that i come to think of it hmmm many times, i think of death and of course about living... maybe the end of the world is really 12/2012 we never know till that day really comes... please do not let me leave this world full of regrets... enuff said... ------------ updates on my job, was the photographer @ Pixar's Media Preview today maybe you might see me on TV cos Channel Newsasia was here... I say maybe... oh wel...

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you Chileong! Happy Birthday to you Lee Fen! Happy Birthday to you Bisora! I have 3 friends who are born on this day! Chileong - Friend for 11 years and counting Lee Fen - Friend for 20 years and counting Bisora - Friend for less than a year but we're meeting up in Japan in Dec! She's a HongKonger! You see, this is the wonder of our dear KinKi Kids~ They let us meet new friends who share the same interest - ie THEM! Heehee Hmm... nothing much to say but wishing all 3 of them best wishes in whatever they do and hope that they will have a great day ahead~ Take care, my dear friends!


Due to massive coughing... I officially announce and is proud to say... I've lost my voice... TT^TT No meds left, need to visit doc again... sigh... and my laptop hanged on me when I was happily using my wacom tablet last night coloring Kochan's Q version's hair... and of course i have to restart... and i gottta color all over again... from scratch! FML! Kochan, I was being nice to you and give you all the sweetness you can in my fic leh! Be nice to me can?


when i dun feel like speaking it's because i really feel that i have nothing to speak to you and it also means i dun wanna speak to u so case closed. i do not like to fake a smile when i dun feel like doing so


So my colleague got 1mth worth of PB and I got 0.5mth Oh well I dun curry favor not intending to and I do not mean my colleague does... cos he dun lah anyway... time to get new shoes... Adidas! wait for me! another colleague, barely work 1yr, so pro-rated she also 0.5mth so... they are implying I need to work harder huh? =_= sianz

Nodame tml

On Leave tml catching Nodame with sister... in office now feeling awfully sleepy... hmmm...that's all.... yawn...


很多时候, 你会问你自己 怎么算才是朋友 是要时常联络的? 我对于朋友的定义其实很简单 对我而言 朋友不一定要时常联络 但真正需要时, 朋友会陪在你左右 至少我个人是这样的 我可以为朋友两肋插刀 但是往往被他们利用 让我觉得很心寒 活到这把年纪 快要30的人(还有两年啦) 觉得看透很多 但也知道自己逃避很多 无非是不再去想 也不想再想 看到厌恶的人 我真的不想再伪装下去 这很累的 这依然是突如其来的想法。。。 嗯。。。 就这样。。。


I am HAPPY!!!!! I've PRE-ORDERED my Darling Tsuyoshi's NEW PHOTOBOOK! Tsuyo Collection aka 2450! Lalalalalaalalala A bit Ex, but nvm!!! YEAH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


There are times when I thought I can live without certain things or certain people. But I suppose I was wrong. I know I cannot live without you, did it took me many years to realise it? I do not know. One thing I know for sure is that, getting to see you everyday makes me feel worthwhile. Thank you for being here.


Freaking hot weather! Can die! Hokkaido got Tsunami, or rather flooded... Thank goodness they are alright... Mum says no need to Japan lah cos got Tsunami My sis and I were like =_= I am still going in Dec... It's a dream I wanna fulfill before the world ends in 2012!


今天是元宵哦! 祝所有人元宵快乐!!!! 嗯, 本人现在极度痛苦中 右肩加右背疼痛中。。。。。 but, 唯一让我高兴的是我的宝贝又要出写真了!!! 太HAPPY了!!!


再次说一声, 不管你是天皇老子还是谁 都没有那个权力或是什么的来批评我的最爱! 你认识他吗? 你了解他吗? 你完全不! 所以,请您劳驾闭上您哪香喷喷的嘴, 不必要的话,就免了! 不要让我去讨厌你,不然我真的会做出一些连我自己都不知道会做的事来!


I have been bugged to update... What has been going on in my life? Hmmm I was on leave till yesterday and back to work today... Yes, I am in the office now... With plenty of work to complete T^T Went to Magma Heritage on Monday, cos 50% off Sister bought Richt I bought nothing cos Mir OOS, then the other one I like is still way too ex even after the 50% discount... It was ok for me lah... I still got plenty of other things to buy than dolls... dolls can probably wait till when i go Japan... hmmm... Met up with LiWei & Celine that day together with Sis to go MH Got to know Celine's colleague, Huili quite a nice person, Hi Huili, if you ever pop over =)) Nice to know you! then after staying @ MH from 10.45 till almost 1pm Me and Sis made our way to PS to catch the 1.55pm Percy Jackson & the Lightening Thief It was not bad lah although i have a lot of doubts for certain parts Next Movie will be in March Nodame!!!! i wanna see Chiaki~~~ And i spend yesterday reading reading rea...


I thought I dream of my darling Tsuyo... But I can't seem to remember the details at all... Hmmm... New Year was ok... Holiday too short never think that holidays are long enough hmmm Taking leave for next monday & tuesday 'cos sunday need to pray to god so monday i'll be very sleepy.. then i am supposedly to go watch Percy Jackson with ah moi so ya... i spend my new year break doing the following (was on bday 1/2 day off on 11th, then time off on the 12th, back to work today 17th...) - mass spring cleaning - updated my story (chinese ver) 2 times - almost updated the english ver - decided to postpone the twist of the of story till ch22(supposedly ch20) - Went to Ikea - bought mirror - bought a chair - bought a portable laptop table but dunno why now i ended using my desk instead of the portable one(portable is now with bro) - i think i did a lot of things although i can't seem to remember exactly what... T^T the result of turning 28? crap....

CNY & V Day

Happy Chinese New Year~ Happy Valentine's Day~ *Yawn* Slept @ 9am Woke up @ 4+pm I am now still extremely sleepy... Back to translating...I've made a promise...

CNY Eve tml

Yoz ppl! Tomorrow's CNY EVE Here's an early Happy Lunar New Year to all!!! =)) back to spring cleaning~~~

Happy 28th Birthday to Myself!

Happy Birthday to myself! I am officially 28 years old T^T And still not rich No anata... Never mind, I shall go find one end of the year when I go Nara & Tokyo~~~ Hurray~~~ Who wants to go with me!!!! Sms me or leave a tag at my tagboard!

Stop shouting!

F u c k! Not that I wanna say out vulgarities but dun ever pissed me off! Don't bug me to do things Stop ordering me to do things who the hell do you think you are?! Why can't i do things my way! i have my own way of doing things! dammit! ---------------------------------------------------------------- went out for dinner with Chileong, Zhiliang and his fiancee we celebrated our 28th birthday.... mine and Zhiliang's one to be exact cos Chileong's one is in March... mine and Zhiliang, 3 days gap nia.... Thank you my dear friend, Chileong for the cake.... it was a bit tooooo cheesy...(i mean the cake and my bad for not pointing out it's not a strawberry cake... but it was not bad lah) and really thanks... and thanks again for driving me back home... will give you a treat back on your birthday too =) I really like this bunch of friends... and who say guys can't be a gal's best friend this 2 friends of mine are my good buddies!! m(_ _)m stepping into 11 years of...


I begin to wonder... If I'm running out of ideas... I seriously need more inspiration in my fictions Although I have been doing storylines, summaries... But I always change my mind right in the midst of writing... =_= Shrugs...


Life is a mystery isn't it? we love it we hate it but most of the time, do we love it or hate it? i love mine when i get to see and feel, well, mostly when it's about my dear tsuyo... ignore me, i'm always talking abt tsuyo... can't help it i love him too much.. lalalalalalala~ and i've watched 20th century boys 3 damn nice!!!

Tsuyoshi here in Sg?

Rumors say Tsuyoshi is here in Singapore!!! Anyone who spotted him, call me on my mobile asap! even if it kills me, i'm gonna go see him!!! jaboh work oso i'll do it!!!

Bloody warm weather

Tonight is bloody warm! Sweating like mad! T^T Maybe I should invest in a new aircon... - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


This is yet another random entry of mine... Very Random... because as always, I am thinking of my beloved Tsuyoshi... and so this thought hit me once again... So, you can choose to turn away and not read this entry of mine... I seldom confess in English? Most of the time in Chinese? It all depends on mood... Anyway, not the main point... ------------------------------------ Getting to know you was back when you acted as Kindaichi... It was close to 14 - 15 years ago. Ever since then, I got hooked and addicted to you... Maybe in the past, I may have sidetracked a little and went on to liking someone else (never last long) but I swore, my love for you has never cease. (honestly, you're the only one I never cease loving and KinKi of course) In fact, as the years go by, this kind of feeling has gone stronger and deeper Close to 7 years back...when I come to realise that I missed out a huge portion of your life's happenings I felt deeply regretted... and heartache... Nonetheless, I ...


OMG OMG OMG! for the bloody first time in my life!!! I've written H scene in my stories OMG! What has gotten into me?! Hmmm... story needs it... okie.. that's it enuff said... i shall go continue writing... the non H scenes aka PG/G

Busy like a mad woman

Apparently I am still in the office.. printing something working like a bee today... and obviously will continue to work like a bee tml... crap~

Let me seeeeeee

Alright... Let me see... What have I been doing since the start of 2010.... 1) Writing Stories - Test of Love (English & Chinese) 2) Prologues of 2nd story - LoveHaze (English & Chinese) 3) Continue loving Tsuyoshi 4) Continue loving KinKi Kids 5) Set up a KinKi Kids Forum - 6) Working 7) Saved & continue saving $ for my Japan Trip which will take place end of year 8) Slacking 9) Cut my hair 10) Going to dye my hair again 11) Went for Azie's wedding 12) Met up with ZL & CL 13) Met up with Aiqing, Hongren & Sandy 14) Catching 20th Century Boys Part 3 next week 15) Got a pay raise (a bit nia) and i think there are somemore... apparently i can't really remember but i'll add on if i remember...


我想,我这个人 真的很奇怪 突如其来的想法 没什么特别 心,还在痛 你, 一定要幸福 好吗?


恩。。。 那个。。。 我要说什么来着。。。 恩。。。 很明显, 我忘了。。。 刚刚看了一篇虐文, 虽不是我看过的最虐的 但却让我觉得心痛! 也在此证明, 我文里的坏人, 还是没选错的 我明明最爱这个人 却,老是在文里虐他 我会反省的 我会让你更幸福的 我答应你 我好累啊。。 有点不知道自己在做什么了


不行。。 真是糟糕 我又想起了 突然之间 好像看到他曾经自杀的情景 好可怕 我不是没有想过 要是有一天 他突然像哥哥一样。。。 就这样突然消失 我真的会 彻底 崩溃 这就是他对我的重要性 他是不一样的 他的存在很重要 非常重要的 你可以理解吗? 我想。。。 你不会理解


昨天,又或者是今天凌晨睡前 (凌晨5,6点吧) 我又突然想起了刚 想起了他抑郁的那段时间 不知道为什么 只是突然就这样想起了 突然变得好想好想他 虽然我每天都在想他 但今天凌晨想他的那种欲望好强好强 想起了他那段不开心时候 有没有人照顾他 有没有人关心他 觉得我很郁闷吧 这就是我 时不时会给自己来个不知所措的我。。。


我讨厌任何阻止他们在一起的人 不管是谁都好 只要你要阻止他们 妨碍他们 我就讨厌你 可以相守相惜是多么难的一件事 你知道吗?


突然想起 一对相爱的人 如果对彼此不信任的话 那。。。这段爱情将不存在了 爱情中最重要的不只是你爱我,我爱你这么简单 而是信任。。。 不管发生什么事 如果只要相信彼此的话 再困难的问题 终究是有办法解决的 这。。。 是我所相信的爱情理论。。。


I wanted to post the photos of my J con goods... then i realise... my laptop has not install photoshop cos i restore my laptop to an earlier date... when i had not install photoshop that time dammit... i'll post it tml... when i ask my bro to install photoshop for me he's sure to nag at me again.... shrugs~


Met up with Aiqing, Sandy, Hongren just now We met up @ Vivo It's probably been close to 7 or 8 years since we last met? Can't remember lolx but we're all still the same Met up at 7, dispatch at close to 11pm reach home close to 12am i am now officially tired to the max *yawn* we had a long chat wow, memories haha we had fun chatting! Aiqing passed me plenty of KK stuffs! *hugs hugs* Thanks!!! we'll meet up again in a few mths time it's like that bet. us this bunch of pre-uni frens we meet up once in a while but yet the friendship is still there~ okie, i must now go to continue translating cos i wanna update @ the forum tml... oyasuminaisai minna san


很多饭说过 这首歌是在述说着俩人的恋情 我不置可否的认同 歌词摆明了是在说他们那种想爱不能爱的感觉 现在 不管他们在我们面前是装暧昧也好 是真的也好 我都相信他们之间那斩不断的牵绊 真的,只要你们幸福就好 不要再管世俗的眼光了 为了自己的幸福,相信彼此 好吗? Anniversary 第20张单曲如此的有意义 在茫茫人海中 我在那一天偶然与你相遇 坠入了情网 即使有人告诉我 爱是痛苦的 我也毫不犹豫地选择了你 天空中有数不清的星星诞生 又不为人知地消失 我爱你 如果这句话能够毫不掩饰地说出口 该是多么地痛快呀 再也不想让你哭泣 今天这个平常的日子 是我们的纪念日 感觉不可思议呢 你会喜欢我 不明白理由是什么 兴趣 举止虽然都不一样 但是最近周围的人都说变得相似了 说谎话让你流泪的那一天 我却只是沉默着无能为力 只要你在我身边 平凡普通的日子 也染上了鲜艳的颜色 爱在继续 不想忘记现在的心情 今天这个平常的日子 是我们的纪念日


我又想起了 想起了刚抑郁的那段时间 想起了他唱着Devil却唱到哭了 哭的不能自己。。。 我不止一次说过 我真的真的很喜欢KinKi Kids 从金田一时候到现在。。。 那么多年了我还是很喜欢他们 现在对我来说 可以依旧看到他们, 听到他们的声音,歌声 是一件非常美好的事 他们也是我的动力 老实说,我不能也不敢去想象 如果有一天 我再也看不到,听不到他们的任何事,消息 那我该怎么办 我不单单把他们当做偶像的 不一样的 300年的约定 我记得的 让我和你们一起走向这300年吧

Happy Birthday!

Happy 31st Birthday to Ouji sama - Domoto Koichi My wishes for you are simple... Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of Tsuyoshi! Last but not least, Wait for me! I'm coming to see KinKi Con end of the year!