
Showing posts from January, 2010


Life is a mystery isn't it? we love it we hate it but most of the time, do we love it or hate it? i love mine when i get to see and feel, well, mostly when it's about my dear tsuyo... ignore me, i'm always talking abt tsuyo... can't help it i love him too much.. lalalalalalala~ and i've watched 20th century boys 3 damn nice!!!

Tsuyoshi here in Sg?

Rumors say Tsuyoshi is here in Singapore!!! Anyone who spotted him, call me on my mobile asap! even if it kills me, i'm gonna go see him!!! jaboh work oso i'll do it!!!

Bloody warm weather

Tonight is bloody warm! Sweating like mad! T^T Maybe I should invest in a new aircon... - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


This is yet another random entry of mine... Very Random... because as always, I am thinking of my beloved Tsuyoshi... and so this thought hit me once again... So, you can choose to turn away and not read this entry of mine... I seldom confess in English? Most of the time in Chinese? It all depends on mood... Anyway, not the main point... ------------------------------------ Getting to know you was back when you acted as Kindaichi... It was close to 14 - 15 years ago. Ever since then, I got hooked and addicted to you... Maybe in the past, I may have sidetracked a little and went on to liking someone else (never last long) but I swore, my love for you has never cease. (honestly, you're the only one I never cease loving and KinKi of course) In fact, as the years go by, this kind of feeling has gone stronger and deeper Close to 7 years back...when I come to realise that I missed out a huge portion of your life's happenings I felt deeply regretted... and heartache... Nonetheless, I ...


OMG OMG OMG! for the bloody first time in my life!!! I've written H scene in my stories OMG! What has gotten into me?! Hmmm... story needs it... okie.. that's it enuff said... i shall go continue writing... the non H scenes aka PG/G

Busy like a mad woman

Apparently I am still in the office.. printing something working like a bee today... and obviously will continue to work like a bee tml... crap~

Let me seeeeeee

Alright... Let me see... What have I been doing since the start of 2010.... 1) Writing Stories - Test of Love (English & Chinese) 2) Prologues of 2nd story - LoveHaze (English & Chinese) 3) Continue loving Tsuyoshi 4) Continue loving KinKi Kids 5) Set up a KinKi Kids Forum - 6) Working 7) Saved & continue saving $ for my Japan Trip which will take place end of year 8) Slacking 9) Cut my hair 10) Going to dye my hair again 11) Went for Azie's wedding 12) Met up with ZL & CL 13) Met up with Aiqing, Hongren & Sandy 14) Catching 20th Century Boys Part 3 next week 15) Got a pay raise (a bit nia) and i think there are somemore... apparently i can't really remember but i'll add on if i remember...


我想,我这个人 真的很奇怪 突如其来的想法 没什么特别 心,还在痛 你, 一定要幸福 好吗?


恩。。。 那个。。。 我要说什么来着。。。 恩。。。 很明显, 我忘了。。。 刚刚看了一篇虐文, 虽不是我看过的最虐的 但却让我觉得心痛! 也在此证明, 我文里的坏人, 还是没选错的 我明明最爱这个人 却,老是在文里虐他 我会反省的 我会让你更幸福的 我答应你 我好累啊。。 有点不知道自己在做什么了


不行。。 真是糟糕 我又想起了 突然之间 好像看到他曾经自杀的情景 好可怕 我不是没有想过 要是有一天 他突然像哥哥一样。。。 就这样突然消失 我真的会 彻底 崩溃 这就是他对我的重要性 他是不一样的 他的存在很重要 非常重要的 你可以理解吗? 我想。。。 你不会理解


昨天,又或者是今天凌晨睡前 (凌晨5,6点吧) 我又突然想起了刚 想起了他抑郁的那段时间 不知道为什么 只是突然就这样想起了 突然变得好想好想他 虽然我每天都在想他 但今天凌晨想他的那种欲望好强好强 想起了他那段不开心时候 有没有人照顾他 有没有人关心他 觉得我很郁闷吧 这就是我 时不时会给自己来个不知所措的我。。。


我讨厌任何阻止他们在一起的人 不管是谁都好 只要你要阻止他们 妨碍他们 我就讨厌你 可以相守相惜是多么难的一件事 你知道吗?


突然想起 一对相爱的人 如果对彼此不信任的话 那。。。这段爱情将不存在了 爱情中最重要的不只是你爱我,我爱你这么简单 而是信任。。。 不管发生什么事 如果只要相信彼此的话 再困难的问题 终究是有办法解决的 这。。。 是我所相信的爱情理论。。。


I wanted to post the photos of my J con goods... then i realise... my laptop has not install photoshop cos i restore my laptop to an earlier date... when i had not install photoshop that time dammit... i'll post it tml... when i ask my bro to install photoshop for me he's sure to nag at me again.... shrugs~


Met up with Aiqing, Sandy, Hongren just now We met up @ Vivo It's probably been close to 7 or 8 years since we last met? Can't remember lolx but we're all still the same Met up at 7, dispatch at close to 11pm reach home close to 12am i am now officially tired to the max *yawn* we had a long chat wow, memories haha we had fun chatting! Aiqing passed me plenty of KK stuffs! *hugs hugs* Thanks!!! we'll meet up again in a few mths time it's like that bet. us this bunch of pre-uni frens we meet up once in a while but yet the friendship is still there~ okie, i must now go to continue translating cos i wanna update @ the forum tml... oyasuminaisai minna san


很多饭说过 这首歌是在述说着俩人的恋情 我不置可否的认同 歌词摆明了是在说他们那种想爱不能爱的感觉 现在 不管他们在我们面前是装暧昧也好 是真的也好 我都相信他们之间那斩不断的牵绊 真的,只要你们幸福就好 不要再管世俗的眼光了 为了自己的幸福,相信彼此 好吗? Anniversary 第20张单曲如此的有意义 在茫茫人海中 我在那一天偶然与你相遇 坠入了情网 即使有人告诉我 爱是痛苦的 我也毫不犹豫地选择了你 天空中有数不清的星星诞生 又不为人知地消失 我爱你 如果这句话能够毫不掩饰地说出口 该是多么地痛快呀 再也不想让你哭泣 今天这个平常的日子 是我们的纪念日 感觉不可思议呢 你会喜欢我 不明白理由是什么 兴趣 举止虽然都不一样 但是最近周围的人都说变得相似了 说谎话让你流泪的那一天 我却只是沉默着无能为力 只要你在我身边 平凡普通的日子 也染上了鲜艳的颜色 爱在继续 不想忘记现在的心情 今天这个平常的日子 是我们的纪念日


我又想起了 想起了刚抑郁的那段时间 想起了他唱着Devil却唱到哭了 哭的不能自己。。。 我不止一次说过 我真的真的很喜欢KinKi Kids 从金田一时候到现在。。。 那么多年了我还是很喜欢他们 现在对我来说 可以依旧看到他们, 听到他们的声音,歌声 是一件非常美好的事 他们也是我的动力 老实说,我不能也不敢去想象 如果有一天 我再也看不到,听不到他们的任何事,消息 那我该怎么办 我不单单把他们当做偶像的 不一样的 300年的约定 我记得的 让我和你们一起走向这300年吧

Happy Birthday!

Happy 31st Birthday to Ouji sama - Domoto Koichi My wishes for you are simple... Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of Tsuyoshi! Last but not least, Wait for me! I'm coming to see KinKi Con end of the year!