
Showing posts from 2011


What kind of theory is this? That they can borrow $ from me and yet when I need to borrow from them, it's a big no-no.... = =


嗯。。。 现在的人貌似特爱逃避现实 纯粹有感而发


Let's see If you know me well and long enough You will know that I am not a person who will take the initiative to contact anyone Not that I'm not "eager" or "keen" enough to maintain the friendship Oh well...


一个苦者对和尚说:“我放不下一些事,放不下一些人。” 和尚说:“没有什么东西是放不下的。” 他说:“可我就偏偏放不下。” 和尚让他拿着一个茶杯,然后就往里面倒热水,一直倒到水溢出来 苦者被烫到马上松开了手。 和尚说:“这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就会放下”


今朝は 仕事 の 面接 に行ってきました 。 だから、 うまくいけば 、 すべてが うまく 行く と 、私は 仕事 を得る! 私は たくさんのお金 が必要! これほど多く 払う 事 と の支払いに 手形 !

K Album!

The arrival of K Album! Limited Press and Normal Press I woke up and open the door, within 10 secs, Mr Fedex came! Such a coincidence! =)) and a pic from TV Guide! They hold hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For how long we've all been waiting for this! Heehee


可悲的人类 可悲的人生


There are many reasons behind why I love KinKi Kids so much That goes the same as to why I love Tsuyoshi too Words are beyond how I can describe What the both of them bring to me is far more from what I can give them or even to other people The music that they bring to me Gives me life Gives me support in many ways I know it may sound rather ridiculous to many However This is really how I feel I am truly thankful and grateful For the presence of KinKi Kids Thank you Johnny san for discovering them Thank you Koichi and Tsuyoshi for being the KinKi Kids we all know Thank you for everything I love you guys --------------------------- This is yet another confession of mine... It just suddenly hit me So I gotta pen it down They are all true in case you're wondering From the bottom of my heart


我一直不太明白 倘若说你很在乎一个人 那又为什么要去伤害他 伤害了之后才来后悔 那又有什么用 难道没有人理解 后悔药是买不到的吗 这难道是一种心理变态不成


Actually, I just forgot what I wanna blog about... Pretty random... I just forgot all about what I wanna say... Tsktsk... Signs of me getting senile... maybe.... Anyway, another note, I dreamt of a murder, dismember body... I think it's someone I know... Can't rem who he was though (I know it's a guy... but who?) Hmmm... Anyway, bought a jacket... when I'm F**king broke... Outta my mind I guess... SGD 44.90 Price is alright lah... except not when I'm broke... T_T Quite nice though.. but wait till I wash it and iron it first.... P/S: Dear Kami-sama, pls hear my prayers!

K Album's Cover

And before I forget, Here's the cover for K Album~ Both Limited and normal press~


Woohoo! My darling laptop is back in my hands~~~ Bad news is, I lost all data and it is a hell lot of things


是我太老还是现在的人太幼稚 为何要一直拐弯抹角呢 直接了当岂不是更好吗 是就是 不是就不是 兜那么多圈子 何必呢 嘛,这是我的看法啦

Lion King - The Musical Version

Went to watch the Lion King at MBS tonight with sis, mum and bro It was an awesome performance!!! Love it! Everything was perfect, frm the music to the singing and the actions! Go catch it if you haven't!

iPod & blackberry

I am truly thankful that I have my iPod touch and my blackberry to use while my dear laptop is in a coma Sigh Monday pls come quickly!!! So I can have my laptop be in good health asap! ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Beloved laptop

Beloved Sony vaio laptop went dead or coma since 4 oct Sigh 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 何でも! (♯`∧´) Sending it for repair in Monday  Hopefully all my files will be intact  Otherwise I'll be super duper upset All my domoto and kinki stuffs! My novels! My mangas! My songs! Praying hard! And a damage to my wallet for the repair  Sgd89! I need a job asap! Sigh ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3 I think if there's a reason why I like iPhone or wat is cos of the emos I can use...  Tat's wat my blackberry cannt do ☆〜(ゝ。∂) Wish me luck for the repair of my laptop !

K Album!

JE released the news of K album's release date! KinKi Kids K album   2011.11.9 RELEASE 「絆・軌跡・感謝・感動」をテーマに、これまで楽曲提供をして下さった豪華作家陣と 再びタッグを組み完成したメモリアル・アルバム!! 山下達郎、吉田拓郎、Dreams Come true、YO-KING、堂島孝平、筒美京平、 馬飼野康二、織田哲郎、伊秩弘将、松本隆、秋元康 etc・・・(順不同) 音楽を愛するすべての人に聴いてほしい1枚。 Seriously, it's a mixed feeling lolx Cos it's so ex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again, it's my beloved KinKi Kids.... It's gonna worth it! ■初回盤:JECN-0270~271 CD(全13曲)+DVD ☆CD収録曲☆ ※曲順未定 願う以上のこと 祈る以上のこと / 同窓会 / 危険な関係 / ラジコン / さよならのエトランゼ / Family ~ひとつになること / いのちの最後のひとしずく / ヒマラヤ・ブルー / もっと もっと / 破滅的Passion / 2nd Movement / Time / きみとぼくのなかで ☆デビューシングル「硝子の少年」から 最新シングル「Time」まで、KinKi Kidsシングル 全31曲のMusic Clipを収録したDVD付!!! ○初回盤仕様 ①32Pスペシ...


Ermmm Nope, I am not getting married Not in the near future, Not in a couple of years I leave it to fate... (my overseas friend says I'm too introvert) lolx Anyway, main pt of this post My cousin brother, who is one year younger than me, (I think) is getting married on the 1st October Still thinking if I should go attend the church ceremony... cos the venue is all the way at the EAST! =.= A bit "near" hor... My bro's supposed to go be the "door opener" So he has to go to my uncle's place real early Hmm.... We'll see how things go...


No matter how much I feel lost and hesitated now. I need to live the way I want at last. 无论我此时是如何的彷徨迷茫, 最终,我都要过上自己想 要的生活。

Let's see

Actually, what I wanna say is.... I'm not sure who actually comes to my blog, I mean this one Sometimes, to understand a person who doesn't deserve you to feel concerned for them is very tiring.... I know how it feels Actually, I should be ignoring that fact from now onwards What's the point anyway....


It is time for me to do what I should have done ages ago Be invisible


【人间失格】是KinKi的三部曲里的第一部 也是最悲伤、最禁忌、最虐人的一部 他们俩在里头奉献了各自的初吻 但是这部戏却没有美好的结局 诚死去了 留加精神失常了,在知道诚死了之后 诚在戏里一直被人欺负 没有理由的被欺负 他从没做错什么 可却一直被欺负。。。最后他受不了了 被他们逼得跳楼 这部戏不管是放在当年还是现在 都是会让人争议的一部绝好的戏 他们演出这部戏的时候还很年轻 这部戏,我只看了一遍 而且还是没看完的那种 我没法看完,看不下去 因为真的真的很虐人啊 虐心+虐身。。。


There are many times one would wonder why Why to this Why to that Why to everything I ask myself WHY too I wish I can find the answer to those WHYs......

New interface eh....

Blogger has a new interface... and it looks weird... maybe i'm just not getting used to the new look, afterall, for freaking 5 years, or was it 6, i was using the previous version~~ alas... going to attend mitchell's wedding dinner in a couple of hours, let's see, around 10 hours later~ need to trim my eyebrows, do my hair a little bit of make up which, btw are all to what i dun like doing.... i'm lazy? maybe i just don't like having "paint" over my face.... =_=

Sept already!?

OMFG! It's Sept already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time flies................... Praying hard to get a new job asap... Seriously running outta cash!


それ は、 一方が 少なくとも一度は 友人 に裏切ら れる というのは本当ですか? ------------------- Seriously, if only my blogger is connected to twitter or something... hmmm


私 は、 で 混乱しています

Happy National Day

It appears, it might be the very first time that I'm actually saying Happy National Day online to my own hometown... *cough* I think so lah So... Happy 46th National Day to Singapore!!!!!!!!!


当你打着爱一个人的名号来伤害他的时候 你可否有想过这是错的 难道这就是你所谓的爱 你曾经的承诺如果可以那么轻易的毁掉 那你所谓的爱情又值多少呢 你对他的爱爱是你说爱的时候就爱 不爱的时候就可以随意抛弃吗 他是你随意可以说来就来 说不要就可以不要的吗 可有想过 或许他就只有你一个人了 你就是他的唯一 他的全部 --------------------- 这是偶然看到的一个小说 给我的感想


水瓶座——《孤星》 在天空里 有一颗孤独的星 黑夜里的旅人 总会频频回首 想象着那是他初次的 初次的爱恋 理 由:水瓶座人深厌束缚的天性使得他们纵使在在婚姻中仍需维持某种程度的独立自主,事实上即使他的伴侣温柔而体谅,水瓶座的人依然喜欢独处,而不喜欢别人的 干扰,因为对他们来说,孤独是一件美妙的艺术。像旅人一样孤身上路,怀念曾经错过的初恋,对某些人来说可能是伤感,但对水瓶来说有时是一种享受。




嗯。。。 其实我想说的是 我自己觉得我的朋友其实是挺多的 但是深交的 也就那么几个 我的个性比较淡 我不是那种喜欢整天出门的人 也不是那种喜欢为了交朋友而交的人 曾经有个交了20年的朋友突然之前迁怒于我 说我不再是她的朋友 重点在于,我连发生了什么事都不知道 很可笑吧 我努力修补过,也尝试问过为什么 可换来得不偿失 一次又一次换来了什么。。 so, tell me why I should continue to let myself be humiliated? there are many times I wanna ask why... but then again, is it that important anymore? I can swear and say that I've never done anything wrong, but that person would rather believe someone that he/she has known for like a couple of months, than me... so I believe, if any of you is me, you would have felt the pain I had back then... Why am I talking about it right in the morning? It's just a sudden thought... Pop right into my mind.... That I feel that I ought to put it in words... as simple as that...


Time flies! It's July already!!!! Hmmm.... I should be sleeping... Boring.... T_T


Let's see.... when was the last time I blog? I think it was mid June? Hmmm... Have I lost interest in blogging? I'm not obsesses in twitting or plurking... weird... oh well....


人生在世 有什么可以尝试 有什么是不可以尝试的 人生也就那短短几十年 人为何都要苦苦相逼 我是很简单的人 没有你想象的那么复杂 是我把你想得复杂了吗 其实怎么想 我都觉得很累


很多时候 你会不会在想 以后的自己会做什么 很多人都会那么想的吧 可是到了如今 和当初自己想的又符合了多少呢 悲观 乐观 人的观点有太多了

KinKi Kids とハッピー20周年記念!

KinKi Kids とハッピー20周年記念! Today is 5th May. 20 years ago in 1991, they met, and 20 years later, they are without doubt, still the best aikata that they both have... The 300 years oath/yakusoku, we still remember and we will, most definitely support and accompany~ 20年前的今天,也就是1991年5月5日,他们俩相遇了。 20年后的今天,他们还是彼此的相方。 当中的羁绊有多么的强,多么的紧,我们大家明白着,也绝对支持着 。 请你们俩要幸福! 300年的约定我们大家也会陪伴在左右~ KinKi Kids Forever! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

We Dunno

We do not talk about it doesn't mean we don't really know what's going on We just do not speak of it There are bits and pieces of evidence that speaks of the truth But Is it really necessary to say out the truth Sometimes Truth hurts That why most people chose to be ignorant

Happy Birthday!

お誕生日おめでとうございます!!!!! It's Tsuyoshi's 32nd Birthday!


很多时候 你会想 为什么你会无怨无悔去爱着那个人 甚至是放弃了尊严 为了什么呢 不过是为了一个 情字 人有着七情六欲 但是往往可以做到无情无欲的 却有几个呢 爱一个人始终是没有理由的

Shut up

Couldn't they just shut up? ARRGH Crap


只是想发泄而已 有时觉得很累 很烦 只想要自由有那么难吗 唉

Happy Birthday

Happy 29th Birthday to myself!!!!! Well... it's that time of the year again... I am offficially 29! T_T Oh well, not that I feel I'm 29 anyway... I miss Japan I miss KinKi I miss Tsuyoshi Sigh.... My birthday wish for this year: I want to see KinKi Kids 's Concert again! I want to go to Japan again! I want to get a new job that is awesome! (Which pays awesomely too of course) Wish me luck! And hope all will come true!!!!!


There is not a day that I would not say I'm not blessed... I am blessed... Blessed with the thought and knowing that I'm glad I know them I'm glad I love them I'm glad I love him I'm glad I've been there to see them I feel blessed everytime I hear their voices, hear them sing, hear them talk This is the bless I have now... And I truly appreciate it! I love you!