
Showing posts from 2009

Happy Birthday!

Okie, it is still too early to say this but 1st Jan will be Koichi's 31st Birthday then 2nd Jan - my dad's Birthday then 3rd Jan - Aiqing's 28th Birthday then 4th Jan - Esther's 28th Birthday =_= Apparently, I have a lot of friends born in January... These 2 are just the beginning... I am officially broke to the max Cos I added countdown con uchiwa & ring to my purchase... DIE!!!

My 244-Endlicheri

This is my new baby... whom I named it as 244-Endlicheri The box that it was in: The Bag that it can be carried in: And here it is! my new Baby~ My current wallpaper! I know I said it before that I will not get a SONY but I can't get Toshiba or NEC cos they dun carry it! but this baby so far, is not bad =) Brought my mum to Singapore Flyer today (as in 25thDec lah) with my sis... then we went to XinWang Taiwan Street Food and as usual, I really cannot take oily food, I wanna puke when I eat oily food lor We took plenty of photos Will upload if my sis thinks it's viewable... lolx Right, I need to go to bed soon... Syncing my iPod now.... need to start all over again... cos it was previously sync with the old laptop... sigh...

Happy Birthday!

Happy 27th Birthday to Masaki Aiba~~~~

New laptop

Let's see... I officially have a new laptop as of 21st december Took pics Uploaded to laptop But forgot to post Then my 244's stuffs arrived from japan Hooray~ But where the hell is my j album!!! Alright I shld go to bed now Yawns~

Stupid can....

$ is never enough I need more Where is the 1/2mth bonus! T^T

My Laptop in GRAVE

It's official My laptop since NAFA times landed itself in GRAVE last night T^T It's beyond sadness... Sigh... But, being direct as ever I just made my purchase for a new one just couple of hours ago @ COURTS Instalment again cos I refuse to use my Japan Trip funds! I saved 2k for my trip and hell i am not going to use it for a new laptop I wanted to get a Macbook Pro but I will buy it next year after Japan I bought SONY... Not exactly my first choice for windows but Yes I chose Sony I wanted Toshiba or NEC but they are not available @ Courts and I dun like HP, Acer, Lenovo(my bro says not good), Samsung (nah) Then i thought of getting Asus, they supposedly should have leh but dun have @ lot one... oh well The model i chose from Sony, the specs are good VPCCW16FG/W 14 inch VAIO CW (White) Will add on pics later when i collect it...

400th Post

This is my 400th post... And thou shall not talk much 其实人很可悲的 我也很可悲的。。。 不说了 没什么想说的 只是想看到你开心,健康就够了 嗯。。。只是这样而已

Fren getting hitched~

Ah... Just as I was expecting, Azie's getting married lolx I will go to her wedding after all, she is one of my buddies back in Sec Sch. Getting ZL to go with me 'cos dun wanna go alone & face sec frens and basically I dun stay in contact with a lot of them actually the sec sch frenz i'm closer with are all from different class understooded?? 16th Jan 2010 's wedding... shld i give angbao or give her pressie sia... what did i do during the weekend? Hmmm... what did i do huh... die cannot really rem.... oh ya, i was re-watching Darling's old drama... at least 10years ago one... but he looked as sweet as before/now lolx and catching up on reading... and... not updating my story... on a little hiatus now... went on course - innovation course/workshop on 14-15(mon & tues) not bad although makes me think as if i went for a performing arts course... get to know a few ppl... a lot from Mindef, mom... and hopefully, J Album turns up in my letterbox today~


And I've made my point on the title As it says, I overspend... Once more... Really spend too much Imagine I donated my hard-earn Bonus at Kinokuniya... like 170 + 97 = SGD 267 Just @ Kino leh OMG lor and I buy 3 T-shirts @ Uni-QlO and bought my sis her K.D's Single (Koichi sama old single) @ HMV And I bought Tsuyo's Uchiwa, Hp Strap and pre-ordered KinKi's Con Goods and bought Tsuyo's old calendar & something else... All the above (KK & Tsuyo) = 70 + 198 + 70 = SGD 338 I am officially NUTS + BROKE again... But then again, I do not regret buying KK's stuffs... I am crazy... Sigh...


我由衷的, 真的 来自真心 我真的很爱他 我很庆幸 认识到他 谢谢你来到这世上 堂本 刚。


死亡可怕吗? 倘若有一天, 你是被你最爱的人杀死的 你会怪他吗? 还是你心甘情愿被他杀? 爱一个人爱到杀了他。。 这是不是意味着。。。 这段爱情已经变质了? 尤其这段爱情 从头到尾不被祝福 不被认同 你还会继续爱下去吗? 即使没有结果。。。 又或则,死亡已经是结果了。。。 这种爱,还会是你想要的吗?


Alrighty, Now when I buy the Con goods, I won't feel guilty 'Cos our CE says he's fighting for an additional of 0.5mth bonus for us *Fire Crackers~* Dr. C, WE LOVE YOU! Haha My Colleagues and I were so happy just now~ We had our Anniversary Lunch just now 32years~ And apparently the additional 0.5 is for US only! YEAH~~~~~ I am Happy! And tml is time to shop @ Kino~ Tsuyoshi & of course Koichi are on covers~~ Darling is also on SEDA's cover! Then the Mangas I ordered are also here~~~ Lalalalalalalalala I am very happy today!

Concert Tour J's merchandise

Now I dunno if I should buy the posters or not the Strap - Yes the Diary - Yes the Uchiwa - Yes the Tote Bag - Yes The above will already cost me over 100 Bucks... Dammit... apart from the above problem/decision that I'm supposed to be making I'm loving J Album. Every Song is a The Boys sang a FULL ENGLISH SONG! And I understand every single word they sang! I knew my darling's English is good lolx! After all, he wrote "Say Anything" for one of his solo albums~ and "Say Anything" is a damn SOLID SONG! I am a happy person now Okay, for today I am happy! Because of them, I am happy for today if it doesn't make any sense to you it's fine, it makes sense for me and that's enough I am being irritating right? Okie, I am losing my mind now... Adidios~


其实很多时候 我觉得没必要 没必要向任何人交代 自己的人生, 自己主宰 不可以吗? 我讨厌和利用自己的人相处 纵使认识已久 可我觉得被背叛了 不是我小心眼 只是我觉得一段友情被利用, 那就没有存在和继续的理由了 因为,心已经失望 碎了 友情重要 我知道 但我绝不甘愿就此被利用 和你们在一起,我找不到快乐 那,我为什么还要勉强自己持续下去 那不是在浪费时间吗? 这种双面人的生活 我会累的 你们不会 可我会 ------ 没有特别原因, 只是突然想到 就突然写着罢了

J Album CM

Total of 4 Cms this time for J album Super Kawaii no Futari~


Now I'm furious! Just visited Momo's web and it's confirmed! out of the 3 main mags - Potato, Duet & Wink-up It's confirmed that KinKi will ceased appearing in Potato & Duet... Not sure about Wink-up yet... F U C K U P !!!! WTH! We've already have limited info on them cos we're not in the Family Club... and now, taking them away from the mags... are they torturing us on purpose?! I dun blame KK, I blame the MAGS! (runs off to calm down... bloody pissed at the moment)


我最爱的漫画之一 完美小姐进化论 要拍成连续剧了 虽然早在上月就知道 不过CAST是今天才公布的 欲知详情, 请去我 老妹的部落格


突然之间, 我不想再爱 觉得好累 好累好累 或许 思绪又突然 发生异变吧 人生本无常 我不是没有想过 就是想的太多 太多了 烦 好烦


Went to Lot 1 - SHAW to catch Hua Mulan - 花木兰 chose to watch this is partly because i've watched 画皮 last year and Mulan has the same cast Chen Kun & Zhao Wei 陈坤 和 赵薇 老实说, 不是木兰不好看, 而是我不喜欢它的结局 或许我一心期待 他们能有情人终成眷属 最后却没有 这就是遗憾吧 文泰 - 拓跋 宏 (陈坤) 木兰 (赵薇) 这么说吧,如果那个死人大将军没有背弃木兰他们 那或许,文泰和木兰还是会有结果的 最后,背负着保家卫国的他们 放弃了爱情 古代的人都是这样的吧 或许换做是我 可能也会和他们一样 不过现在的我反而会想他们选择爱情 太悲了。。。 明明相爱,可永远不能在一起

Best Costume

My colleagues won the BEST COSTUME AWARDS! haha, Victoria as Wednesday Adams Vitaya as Cloud Jocelyn as Little Maid all 3 best costume awards all won by our gang haha this is some damn good news! pics will be up later they are with Vitaya haha maybe next time i will join in to dress up hmm i mean cosplay hahahahahah this is some fun DnD man~ heehee but we had plenty of fun then lucky draw time, Brandon won! won the only PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were all screaming like mad! coolness~~~ apart from that, i fell sick the next day, although i did meet up with RunRun & Li Wei to go to AFA and i am still sick ----------- 我不想做的, 没人能逼我。 就如同认识了那么久的你们一样 (这一段是我现在想说的,毕竟你们也从来不来这里, 我发现,即使有那么多年的认识,你们还是不了解我。。。 如同我也不了解你们。。。我一向随心所欲,不喜欢的就是不喜欢。。。 说我固执也好,死板也好,可这就是我 Take it or leave it)

Dinner & Dance

Today is SC's D&D, as part of committee I am to help out... so off I go now... Theme's Movie Night~ lolx my colleagues are dressing up as Cloud, Jason & Wednesday Adams~ FUN~

...and so life continues...

As what the title says, Life continues no matter what happens nothing much happens in my life at the moment apart from me living in my KinKi Kids fandom no joke about it I truly enjoy loving them Especially my dear Tsuyoshi I love everything about him Inner, Outer He is someone really special Ever since I get to know him back let's see... 14years ago? He's on my heart... okie I've sidetracked abit when I get to know Westlife But KinKi and Tsuyoshi has never been apart from me! if you're wondering why the hell I'm writing this post nothing much It's just one of those days where I feel I miss him terribly Even though I listen to his voice daily... I am crazy... Maybe...


I'm actually able to go to bed soon Shocking enough for me After more than 5 months? Of sleeping at weird timings I'm actually shocking myself by turning in soon Hmmm Got tired of my love? So not true I'm just taking a short break Afterall I've exerted my brain cells today Completing last part of chapter 9 this afternoon Hurray~~~ After a month or so of hiatus over at the Chinese forums I'm finally able to return Started translating So hopefully I can post it out real soon~~ With J album coming, I'm happy~~ Today is a not bad day for me :)


我是个情绪化的人吧 看着故事里的小狗死了, 我泪流了 会觉得心酸啊 老弟告诉我又有人虐待动物了 我真的打从心里鄙视这些人 你们通通他妈的都去死! 没人性!


J Album's purchase is made I've bought both Limited Edition and Regular Edition From USD72.00 in total When it comes to KinKi, we never regret That's about it. Today the Opennet ppl comes to do up the cable soon, all will be using Opennet. tat's about it, i'm having mental block for last part of chapter 9 shld be able to write but can't... irritating... i think i need more break for my mind

...To Zanarkand...

Eveytime I listen to "To Zanarkand" I feel sad, it's a wonderful game think my disc is spoiled... will get a new one before it's not available...

...J Album...

OMG! J Album will be out on the 09/12/2009! I will get both versions, call me crazy but yes i'll get both versions! This is the Limited Press KinKi Kids 約2年ぶりとなるアルバム「J album」いよいよ発売決定!! 「Secret Code」「約束」「スワンソング」のシングル3曲を収録したこの「J album」は、オリジナルでは11作目(=トランプの Jack)、次のDECADEへの旅(=Journey)と位置づけられるアルバム。原 点を忘れず、ただ(=Just)純粋に、ストレートに、良質な11 曲の楽曲と11枚の写真で構成されています。 完全初回限定盤にはシングル3曲のMusic ClipとTV SPOTを収録したDVD付き!! ●初回生産限定盤詳細… ①28Pブックレット ②DVD付き ③スリーブケース入り 01 スワンソング 02 宝石をちりばめて 03 足音 04 約束 05 つばさ –little wing- 06 walk on… 07 Secret Code 08 憂鬱と虹 09 I will 10 Missing 11 風のソネット DVD ・「Secret Code」Music Clip & TV SPOT ・「約束」Music Clip & TV SPOT ・「スワンソング」Music Clip & TV SPOT


I dunno why I'm posting this entry Bascially, I dunno what the hell I'm doing I bought a new pair of earphones on Sat, AKG earphones new brand, good in Bass with volume control not bad and I am listening to KinKi's song as I am posting this entry sad songs as usual and today I weigh myself again 2kg down again this is good news to me~ must go down somemore I am off to force myself to write...


Recently, my heartaches gets more frequent Tsktsk I'm beginning to suspect if I have Heart problems or not Tsktsk and now gastric attacking me ToT... alright i'm off to Kino now to pick up 5 of my magazines~ KinKi's on covers~~~~~~


I'm dozing off as I'm poking iPod now About to fall asleep anytime Hope my Swan Song Singles will arrive soon And what else Oh yes Honestly speaking I hate it when they keep nagging Bloody irritating Sigh You feel the urge to tell them to stop nagging But you know you can't This is the reality


Not really in concern with the title, Just feel like saying something Work has been pretty busy lately So here I am trying to take a short break now and then Heard all the songs from Swan Song's Single Love all the song especially the one written by Satomi! 深紅の花 ShinKu no Hana Love this song! Dammit, I love Satomi's lyrics, always so nice! then for my story, i'm not even sure if anyone who reads the story, actually come to my blog or not as in this blog hmmm the latest chapter will be out by tml for Swan Song's release celebration although i did say i'm taking a break so chapter 10 onwards will be slow... not too slow i hope... hmmm watch SMAPxSMAP last nite via online straight telecast from Japan... couldn't understand much but reckon they are talking abt back-dancing for SMAP They started dancing for SMAP since 1992! =) and I know Kimura is happy to see my 244 heehee can tell lor! Kimura & Goro won the cooking contest, the boys chose this team as the winne...

KinKi Kids MS 23102009

Just went to Tudou to check, KinKi's MS performance today, i mean last night ROCKS LOVE IT! The dance is perfect, they were looking into each other's eyes!!! and i'm telling ya, it's really so so so nice!!! HEre's the full version, with Talk & Performance from Tudou and this is just the performance from


OMG, SWAN SONG's PV rocks!!! I love it! My 244 is so so so handsome! I only go gaga over him, I let my sis go gaga over 51. and if you're popping over my blog only once in a while and u do not know who is 244, 51 they are Tsuyoshi & Koichi (244 & 51) My banner is Tsuyoshi! Church! they are in a church! I think I saw Kivi saying, just go get married already lolx, when she says that, she meant them! the both of them, get married together! to each other lah! enuff said, enjoy the PV, it has the feel of Anniversary~


Image is from Pinkrain , credits to her =) Seeing my beloved KK going to SMAPxSMAP on the 26th is making me super happy!!!!! OMG, I can't wait!!!!! I hope somemore will sub it asap when it shows!!! oooo, Kimura is *ahem* adjusting my dear 244's collar?? I WANNA SEE THAT SHOW NOW!!!

The right side of my desk

This is the right side of my desk Took it last month? Hmmm i've added a few more though Will post it next time cos i'm lazy so this post was updated using my HP...


本想开始构思新的桥段, 奈何,想起一些事 快乐于否, 在于自己如何判断 有时不得不厌恶人生 甚至于身边的人与物 同样的,会觉得厌烦 我是个矛盾的人 我喜欢思考 虽然, 有时我不知道自己在写什么 有一点可以确定的是, 现在的我非常喜欢写作 是说,以前就很喜欢 不过从没真正开始动笔 直到一个月前,又或则是七月的时候 我终于动笔了 撰写中英两版 没人看的话, 我当自娱娱乐 无妨 有人看 就形成一种推动力, 让我可以写更多 很明显, 今天的我 开始思绪不清

...will i be able to...

Let's see, today marks the 1 month anniversary of me started to write "Test of Love" I posted the first chapter on 14/09/2009 ermm, for the Chinese version I mean. The english version, I started it much earlier, I mean at least a few days earlier... Main point is, I dunno how long I can continue writing... I sincerely hope that my muse will stay ard with me, and I'll have the brains & ideas to continue writing... Okie, the sleeping bug just bit me, I am feeling sleepy again... Time to sleep soon... Although I wanna start writing Chapter 9... But my iPod is "Sync in Progess" Cannot sleep yet... and my eyes are like XoX cross out...

...It's really a small world...

My oh my, YuanShan aka Sarah, if you're reading my blog, it's amazing how small the world can be... lolx imagine her cousin Jason Chan is my NAFA classmate lor! Well, it's really a small world~ lolx Yes, good news from Koichi KinKi's Winter Con will start soon~ Something will be released before the Con and Koichi will release a new SOLO album + Con next year *ahem* Sarah said Koichi will be writing all his songs but hor Tsuyoshi also mah lolx Tsuyoshi always write his own songs lolx okie lah, no comparing, i dun wanna sound like a TO, even though sometimes my sis says i feel like one but I nv say i dun like Koichi leh haha Well, I love both, it's just that the love for Tsuyo has always been stronger~ it's because of Tsuyo, that I get to know KinKi OK! whatever it is, just never ever say bad things about either of them! i'll make sure u wish you nv talk bad about them! hmpf! because there are always stupid ppl ard who dunno abt them yet make nasty comments ab...


I am bored today. Pretty bored. Very bored. No new comments for my story (and my sis won't read till the whole story is complete - which won't happen anytime soon, i actually have plans to write till 20 or more chapters... i'm at 8 currently) so I am a bit sianz... Boring... but no time to translate Chapter 8 Because I got work to do. so I am still bored. -------------- update: time is now 2.51pm, i am sleepy so are my colleagues~

Okie, trying to think of titles for blog entries, is an irritating thing to do i dun have much ideas for titles, unless it really hits me i just finish both versions of my stories, chapters 6 & 7 will have to start on chapter 8 soon and to start the prologue of the ancient japan background story... this one is a killer, which will involve basically the whole of JE in it... well, that's currently about it... getting the hang of writing long chapters, which i think some of my readers prefer long some prefer it short (so i can update faster) heehee i'll just see how~ KinKi you DVD is here, only watched a bit probably will wait for the subbed version to reach then watch again then Swan Song rocks (although i still dun like the name and the meaning behind the name) and it's coming soon (glad i bought both versions) and i'm broke but monday's pay day! YAHOOOOOO~~~ alright, that's about it... life's pretty much the same as before? everything's cool~


I've set up another blog... at that blog will purely be for my literacy works~ (for now) figuring out how to change that wallpaper now... i mean banner


It's not my birthday but I'm exhausted Backache Leg pain I'm old

Happy birthday

Ok Happy 21st Birthday to my sister !


Finally, the english version of [test of love] chapters 4 & 5 are complete they are available at my LJ and love_is_kinki now off i go to work and translate them to chinese~


心在痛 觉得累 很无聊 心烦着 只爱你 可以吗 不知道

What Tarot Card are you

You Are The High Priestess You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets. Your fortune: Something hidden or latent in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end. You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! What Tarot Card Are You? Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!


隐约中, 我始终认为, 刚和光一是很陌生的 我们仅仅只是看到他们在舞台上的样子而已 他们的内心呢? 我们是不得而知的 或许 他们相爱 或许 他们连朋友都不是 但不可否认, 现在站在彼此身边的是对方 也只有彼此了吧 我又不知道自己在写什么了。。。 此刻 脑塞的非常严重


如果自己写的文不被人认同 该如何呢? 开始郁闷了啦 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 烦啊 (╯﹏╰) 算了 反正老娘我当自娱娱乐好了。。。 ╭(╯^╰)╮


我他x的哭了 读了个我宝贝挂掉的文。。 明知不会是美好的结局 我还是一头栽下去了 二十四格格为啥就不能和光亲王在一起 呜呜呜。。 喜帝我恨你! 明帝我也恨你 你们活生生拆散了那苦苦相恋的璧人 说怕什么光亲王会危及你们的江山 我呸! 如果你们当初把二十四格格赐婚给他 他就完全不会有要夺你们江山的心 是你们把光亲王的心给埋了的。。 你们让他做那摄政王,终生不得有子懿,不得娶。。 结果二十四格格也决定终生不嫁。。 只因她爱的人是光亲王。。。 好好的一对璧人。。 就这样被你们拆散。。。 呜呜呜 我不依!!! 还害我宝贝最后。。挂掉。。 你他x的!!!


我是一个, 想到什么 就做什么 的人 人一生当中 可以爱多少人 恨多少人呢 无从得知吧 现在的我 和以前的我 又有什么不同 我不大想知道 不是逃避 而是觉得, 有时向往未来未尝不是一件坏事 虽然未来可能不是自己想要的 但重要的是 要活的真实吧 做自己想做的 对自己有所交代 才是比较重要的吧 现在的我 没有人爱 不要紧 至少知道自己爱着一个人 堂本 刚,谜一样的男人 一个让人又爱又恨的男人 一个比女人还要可爱,还要妩媚的男人 或许你不赞同 但在我眼里, 他就是这样的一个人 一个让我如痴如醉的男人 今天心情开始郁闷 突然更想刚。。 很想为他做些什么。。。 就是这样。。。

...Tsuyoshi's new show - 24CH△NNEL...

10月7日(水)からテレビ朝日系25:21〜25:36で新番组「24CH△NNL(ツヨチャンネル)」スタート。刚が毎周、人生の中でかなえたい 100项目をクリアしていく。「见てくださる方々にたくさんの希望を与えられるようにまっすぐに楽しみたい」と抱负。番组テーマ曲を作曲したりジングル作 成をするなど、アーティストとしての“颜”ものぞかせている。 19日デイリースポーツ掲载 HURRAY~~~~ I must now rush chapter 3 to celebrate this great news~


很奇怪的我 为什么,都那么久了,和他说话时 自己的语调,会变的不一样。。。 呃。。 感觉会变的有点温柔?? 呃。。 自己现在觉得有点恶心嘞。。。 虽然他是我喜欢过的人。。。 但是。。那是以前嘛。。 奇怪 真的奇怪。。。 算了 不想了 麻烦死了 我要回去工作了 等会儿还要继续翻译我的文的第二章 不然被网友捅死 哦不对。。是死光。。。 还加上王子的死光。。。

KinKi Kids 29th Single

My sis called me, KinKi's 29th Single will be released on the 28th October!!!! YIPPIE!!! Finally our grumblings reached their ears!!!!! YESH!!!! I should be getting both versions... although i seldom buy singles and now i must rush back to my stories, will post a new one/chapter for celebration!!!! i am a happy woman today~~~ ニュ-シングル 『スワンソング』10月28日発売決定!! KinKi Kids29枚目のシングルの発売が決定です。 どこか懐かしいメロディの中に儚なさとひたむきさが感じられる疾走感あふれる楽曲。 作詩に「硝子の少年」「シンデレラ・クリスマス」「薄荷キャンディー」等を手掛けた 松本隆氏を6年ぶりに迎え、KinKi Kids流エバーグリーンポップスがここに完成しました! 完全初回限定盤:JECN-0203 ¥1,000(tax in) ★CD(全3曲+Backing Track1曲) ☆CD収録楽曲☆ M1:スワンソング M2:サマルェカダス ~another oasis~ M3:深紅の花 M4:スワンソング-Backing Track- ●初回盤詳細 ①3面6Pジャケット ②M3「深紅の花」(通常盤未収録) ■通常盤:JECN-0204 ¥1,000(tax in) ★CD(全3曲) ...


I went to pay respects to my relative on saturday then went to Bugis with my mum and I overspent. Spend over 100 bucks on my Levi Jeans Spend close to 200 bucks on my Guess bag & wallet Spend close to 30 bucks on my crystal (which reminds me, I forgot to bring it out from my other bag) I overspent too much that I hope I still have some $$ left for my books books that I wanna order online... budget for that was around 100 bucks or so... then I still got my bills to clear, my loan, my instalment for the iPodsss (mine & sis) and my sis's 21st birthday cake (I did say I'll sponsor the cake) ToT and since last mth I overspent by pre-ordering my Tsuyoshi's single & concert, and also KinKi you DVD... (close to 300 bucks also) I will officially be eating GRASS this month. and interesting enough now then I noticed that I'm posting 1 chinese, 1 english alternatively... hmmm my stories are published/posted in chinese & english chapter 1 only at the moment if you wa...


没有别的意思 我是在听着 Devil 时边打着这文的, Devil 很能牵动我的心,却也让我很容易悲伤起来。。。 我想了很多 其实也不明白为什么自己还要去写一篇虐自己最爱的人的文 明明最希望他比自己更应该得到幸福的 看了他这几天的 Love Fighter 的更新 自己的心更是纠结到不行 他一定又有烦恼了吧 会担心他是不是没有人可以帮他分担他的烦恼 我会为他哭,因他而笑,会为了他心痛 他就是一个让我爱到不行的男人 我不后悔爱上他 真的真的好爱他 只因为他是堂本刚。。。 是的, 我对堂本刚的爱是不会变的 我和以往一样 会突如其来的来个爱的宣言 你可能觉得我又发花痴了 但他就是一个让人又爱又恨的男人 喜欢上,爱上他的我们 是心甘情愿的 说我们是腐女也行 爱上了就是爱上了 没有特别的理由 也不需要 明白的人自然明白 就这样 我拜托两位大人快快合体吧 (默念51244次) 真的快被你们虐死了 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

...This is life...

This is life? What is life? Sometime life sucks as much as you can think so... I'm rambling cos I saw his LF entry for yesterday? probably yes nowadays, he affects me a lot but i feel it's a kinda connection for him to us. I still love him lots I am thinking outta control I am talking crap Think of it whichever way you want... I'll be posting my story online tonite if nothing goes wrong. NOT POSTING HERE though


According to webs all ard the world, today is a special day and today is also the day where my beloved Tsuyoshi's new single - RAIN is released. YA's shipment was shipped yesterday so i shld be getting it latest next week WEEEE~~~~~ excited? yes! tired? yes cos my story is still not complete i wrote too long and now hard to end i'm stuck at a part where it's hard to continue sis says it's exciting now cos she wants to find out what's gonna happen... i have a rough idea lah but now to put into words must give me time my english is not very good and i must later translate to chinese i think i will die oh well~ yes i am talking to myself if u notice =_= i am stressed


好吧, 我承认,我犯贱 我居然又不知死活地写了一篇长篇 还是英文的 从放工开始到现在 我就写了这么久 整整快7小时了。。。哦不对,应该是8小时了吧 几乎没停过。。。 第一次写这么长。。 估计有好几千字吧 (我是说英文字) 越写越难收尾 不知道我的另一个长篇行不行呢。。。。 唉~ 好,我要继续写了 坚持到底!!!


I just realise I posted quite a lot in August.. really consider a lot for me sia (this is my 349th post, i know, a long way compared to my sis's) hmmm my sista still insists that i wrote abt kinki more than anything in my entries not true lah i talked abt other things also mah... just slightly more kinki only lah hmmm how come when i talked abt life, u no say? tsktsk kids nowadays ah... anyway, which reminds me i am now starting a new story which i hope would be long... ermm probably won't post it here will post it at LJ, KKK, Whiteworld, KKF, Domoto2x the 2nd story i wrote for them and this time, i hope i won't screw up... cos i didn't like my first story... work is packed today new colleague today boss not in today (as in supervisor) listening to iPod now today is crap cos too many things to do ja..mata

...Tsuyoshi's PV - Sunday Morning...

Just saw Tsuyo's PV Sunday Morning... Mixed feelings on the pv.. will talk abt it later~ meanwhile enjoy~


我始终相信, 人与人之间的相处 是矛盾的 我相信, 在这世界,有的人 想爱,但不能爱 相爱,却不能在一起 这让我觉得,这世界还有什么是值得去等候的 有么? 我常常会让自己陷在自己的思绪中 想着很多问题,事情 很多人不明白 我却明白吗? 如同, 明白的人 自然明白 矛盾吗? 或许吧 有的时候, 事情的看法 在于看的那个人如何想罢了 可以很复杂 可以很简单 这就是人生吧


Went to watch "BRUNO" with 5 of my colleagues yesterday after work and together with one colleague's husband and friend, a total of 8 of us went to catch Bruno. how to put it Bruno is a comedy, but a bit sick lah it's abt gays, fashion, being famous... i had no objections against gays but this film was a bit too much as a comedy, i like it as a gay show, i dislike it i got nothing against gays or homos however u put it.. those who know, would know i support KKL... and probably at the moment only KKL... ermm anyway not abt my beloved KK yesterday was fun we had lotsa laughters heehee we'll probably catch another movie again eh folks? haha

...random thoughts...

Okay, this is gonna be short and random cos i know i haven't been blogging much work has been fun *ahem* fun cos among the colleagues, between u and me, we try to make our life easier by having jokes now and then lolx then, wat else, i'm expecting my Tsuyoshi's new single to reach within less than 2 weeks YAHOO for that~ tml or rather, today, we'll be watching BRUNO! it's gonna be fun~

...Happy Birthday...

亲爱的紫紫, 祝你二十二岁生日快乐! 咱们的近畿大神会保佑你一切美好的~


So my sis says I talk about KinKi too much... Yes, perhaps it's too much but that's what it is going on in my life at the moment I enjoy letting myself getting surrounded by KinKi and honestly speaking... there's nothing much exciting going on in my life at the moment Life is now work, go home, work again pretty much like that I do meet up with friends I do go out for movies and all and to be fair, people my age, I mean, close friends that I have... have similar lifestyles... we're pretty laid back ppl... okie lah, probably we're a bit lazy... but when you're turning 30 soon... (i have 2 years plus close to 3) not much things can excite you maybe... just maybe, I'll just announce to the world next year that I'm married when I come back from Japan... haha Yes I love Japan that much and Yes cos of Tsuyoshi, I really like Japanese more well... Masaki too lah... (just that he'll always be number 2?) hmmm Life is evolve around KinKi, my mangas, my books.....

...a note on a fanfic in whiteworld...

Thought I should post this... it's written in chinese again.. and sorry, my story has only been translated half way... i promise to post it out soon... below is actually a comment based on the author's own comment... (one fanfic in whiteworld) who said that he/she (not sure of the author's gender..) wishes that Tsuyo to get married to a nice lady, not just any lady.. and he shld just probably leave the entertainment circle and live happily with her... something like that... i replied the following: 怎么说呢。。。 我其实也和葱葱一样,也希望他可以好好的结婚去。。 但我却不希望他为了结婚而结婚。。 他妈催婚催的很。。我真不希望他是为了他妈妈而去结的。。 如果是,那我到宁愿他保持现状好了。。 他和光一,到底是不是真的。。 估计我们也猜不透的。。。 明白的人自然明白。。。不是吗? 我们或许能做的。。。就是祈祷,保佑,希望。。 他们两人能得到幸福, 快快乐乐的就好了。。。 毕竟,有的时候,只有当事人才能自己解决。。。 结铃还须系铃人啊。。。 自私一点的话, 我倒是希望他和光一好了。。。 虽然路不好走。。 但相爱的两人一定可以克服的。。。 我说的有些矛盾。。。 对不起。。 I said that, i do hope for tsuyo to get married.. but i do not wish for him to get married for the sake of getting married, cos his mum has been chasing him or pushing him, giving him pressure... ...


很多时候,我很想装傻 很多时候,我很想去爱 很多时候,我很想逃避 很多时候,我想很多事 很多时候,我希望时间停止 很多时候,我希望重头来过 好比现在。。。 另。。 前天的演出。。。知道他不舒服, 我很担心 但我知道,有一个人会好好的照顾他 那就够了。。。 要健健康康的啊。。 刚!


I went to Kinokuniya this afternoon... Bloody hot day (since when it's not hot these days =_=) Okie main point, to help my sista collect her mags, to buy my mangas So i got a bit outta control, bought myself a new graphic novel, then there's barefout (cos got my darling), plenty of mangas (mainly my bro's) the damage was SGD 158.oo but after 20% discount the damage was SGD 128.oo i think i bumped into Esther too, she was meeting her frens. okie what else, i managed to get TV Guide from and now that web's outta stock again I am lucky after all.. phew~ for the first time this year, they are on cover, and in SG, it's outta stock it sounds like a joke but within 15 mins, that mag's outta stock i got pissed, angry, disappointed, within seconds tried ways and means to find, and in the end found it at and at first, cannot buy somemore, all i can do was to "checked" and wait, then they sent me an email, said can order so i quickly pre...


Why is it that... everytime when i listen to Tsuyo's DEVIL... I will cry... Tears will just flow out naturally I feel that I can understand his feelings when he sang this song... I know he cried when he sang this song during his [Si] con... 为何相爱的人总不能在一起。。。 为何一定要伤害他们,你们才会甘心。。。 我恨你们!恨你们伤害了苦苦相恋的他们! 看到他们痛苦,你们很高兴是吗?! 不要问我 why 我只是又突然想把困在心里的话说出来而已 Yes, nowadays my thoughts has 80% or more to do with KinKi... they heal my spirit they heal my heart they heal my soul it is their love, their songs, their music that gives me courage that makes me still believe that there's something, perhaps someone i can wait upon in the future if you do not understand why it's because you do not understand them you probably do not understand me as well no one perhaps really did i never really explain why maybe one day if you ask me i might tell you why maybe just maybe i believe none of my friends truly understand the reason why i love KinKi it's also because no one ask me anyway people who love ...

...Tv Guide...

So.. finally.. dunno after how long... KinKi Kids's on the cover of Tv Guide! Will be popping over to Kino to buy tomorrow~ Happy~ i saw the scans from momo got a bit pissed cos that fukakyo, sat so close to kochan... tsktsk wait tsuyo angry then he know.... hmpf yes, it's the kkl soul in me that is typing this... cos to me... KK will always be KKL~

Kinki you DVD

Money has been paid A total damage of $160 but it's worth every single cent of my money Because I truly love them My Japanese may not be good But I'll try my best to understand it For Tsuyoshi For Koichi For KinKi Kids My one and only love

...KinKi you Concert DVD...

I am bloody excited & happy at the moment cos my sista just told me that our dear KinKi Kids KinKi you concert will be releasing DVDs - 4 in a set! for first press - 10k yen for normal - 9k yen jap press btw i'm getting the limited first press yes, even though it' s jap press cos i dun care i'm afraid the HK press won't be out so must get it first, to ease my panic, and worry to view the Dvd pics - go her blog or go to JE official web... i'm too excited now haha this is the best news so far this mth (other then the news of my dear tsuyo releasing a new single)

...same scarf wor...

I just realise something, Tegoshi wore the same scarf as Kochan in the latest SDK Kochan wore it last year for SDK (xMas time) here's the video.

...Happy Birthday...

Happy 24th Birthday to my blooder.. i mean brother~ Best Wishes hor You have 1 week to choose your bday present.

...Toy & Comic Convention 2009...

Blogger went bonkers again i think... Anyway, when to watch UP with Esther & Jeannie yesterday.. we went to Suntec to catch it, i was almost late... darn i forgot abt the fact that bugis will be packed thus the traffic jam thank goodness i made it. Movie was pretty good! love it! then we went to toy & comic convention, blythe was there, nintendo was there, lego, tokidoki, blah blah blah took some pics but camera is now with my bro? so i have not upload the pics yet bumped into Tracy, Rodney, Malva at suntec lolx oh yes, TV guide's cover will be KinKi Kids!!! my goodness!!! finally 2 of them on cover together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been so long since i see them on cover ToT i am so happy!! i must die die try to buy that mag back!!! btw, KinKi new Cm 3rd version Enjoy~~~ I am a happy, little bit satisfied KK fan~

...Ti Amo...

为啥我终是在听到Exile - Ti Amo 的时候会鼻酸呢。。。 感伤的感觉啊~ It's a sad feeling the lyrics are beautiful though, had it on my iPod.. although 80% of the songs in my iPod are KK heehee 日曜日の夜は ベッドが広い 眠らない想い 抱いたまま朝を待つ 帰る場所がある あなたのこと 好きになってはいけない わかってたはじめから どれだけの想いならば 愛と呼んでいいのでしょうか? この胸をしめつけてる この気持ちに名前をください キスをするたびに 目を閉じてるのは 明日を見たくないから 抱きしめられると ときめく心は あなたをまだ信じてる 声にださないまま 『愛してる』と叫ぶの お決まりの台詞 なぞるだけの 遊びのような恋には 向いてない 昔から だれひとり傷つけない 恋を人は 愛と呼ぶけど この罪を背負いながら 生きてく覚悟は できてる 部屋を出る時は さよならじゃなくて おやすみと言ってほしい 終止符くらいは 私にうたせて それが最後のわがまま ひとりきりでは もう 『LOVE SONG』 うたえない もっと早く逢えたら あなたと知り合えたら 二人の歩幅も合わせられたのに もっと長く会えたら あなたと向き合えたら 二人は心もかざれてた キスをするたびに 目を閉じてるのは 明日を見たくないから 抱きしめられると ときめく心は あなたをまだ信じてる 声に出さないまま 『愛してる』 僕は弱いねと 自分からつげた ずるい人だわ あなたは 時計を外して 微笑んでくれる やさしい人ね あなたは 笑顔をくずさないで うそを見抜きたくない EXILE - Ti Amo Lyrics: Kiyoshi Matsuo Music: Jin Nakamura, Kiyoshi Matsuo From the single "Ti Amo" (RZCD-46035, RZCD-46036) Romaji: SnakeRoot ( nichiyoubi no yoru wa BEDDO ga hiroi nemuranai omoi idaita mama asa wo matsu kaer...


Apparently, i need to stop myself from sleeping late... i slept at 5am on monday morning, then 2.30am on tuesday morning... i'm too addicted to reading the stories... i can't stop or rather, i didn't want to stop... it makes me feel connected to them... *ahem* although the story's not real lah i know it's not right... but i didn't want to stop... as simple as that... i feel that time is too short, i need to know more, feel more about them... if you're wondering who the hell i'm talking about, think again who i love the most... okie, i need to go back to work, i have around 10 bloody jobs to clear now especially, since i was on mc last week... the whole of last week... fever and gastric pain/virus infection.... fever refuses to go down after torturing me for more than 4 days... now i'm considered alive... at least for now...

...New OS...

Alright babe~~~ New OS is up~ Leopard babe~~~ Finally, the mac at work is upgraded to the new OS~ not bad not bad which brings me my chances of getting a Macbook Pro higher... cos Macbook pro has always been on my list... just that i cannot make up my mind lah~ then i found out that my dear tsuyoshi is using macbook pro so the chances of me getting a macbook went up even higher heehee anyway, i can now finally blog~ with firefox installed boy, i love firefox BEAR~~~~~~~


喜欢是一种设麽样的心情? 爱又是如何的? 有谁可以真真切切的了解? 开始的时候,会觉得很甜蜜 久了之后呢? 谁又可以保证爱可以长长久久的? 没有人可以。。。 爱人和被爱呢? 你又会如何抉择? 以前的我很渴望去谈一场恋爱。。。 现在还是。。。 只是。。 开始累了。。。 开始不再期待 或许,目前,爱着,堂本 刚这个人,是我唯一的期待,寄托 我会永远守护,堂本 刚,堂本 光一,KinKi Kids。。。 永远的和他们走下去。。。 实现300年的约定。。。 唯一的约定。。。 他的幸福,也就是我的幸福。。 所以,刚。。 你一定要幸福! 不要问我为何 不要问我为啥要写这一篇看似怪文的日志 只是我偶尔会心血来潮罢了 近来的脑袋,想了比以前更多 有的会写下来,有的不会 有的会放上这里,有的不会 就这么简单而已 刚刚买了《人间失格》小说版 想说看看 光一和刚的第一部连续剧的原版是如何的 我知道原版和连续剧的不一样 连续剧围绕着影山留加和大场 诚他们禁忌之恋,以及诚被欺负,自杀还有留加对诚的信任。。。 在看到诚死的那一刻起,我就再也没有看完这部戏。。。 或许以后有一天,有一天吧。。我可能会鼓起勇气看完它。。。 但现阶段,我不会。。 因为,他们两个演的太好了。。 刚饰演的 诚,死了之后。。。 我真的很难看下去。。 光一饰演的留加,在诚死了之后,责备自己,觉得自己害死了诚。。后来,他疯了。。只记得诚的存在。。。 这还不够悲嘛? 已经很悲了。。。 这是他们两个合演的三部曲的第一部。。。 第二部是 《若叶时代》 我还没看 有买 但还没开始看 因为,也不是完美的结局。。。 第三是《我们的勇气 - 未满都市》 唯一一部, 我看完的 合演的还有,岚的 - 相叶 雅纪 和 松本 潤, 宝生 舞 等。。。 本以为,他们终于有机会可以在一起。。。 但该死的编剧。。居然没有设定。。。 但这部是真的不错 所以我还Ok 下次会贴上剧照的~

...back to normal...

ah.... so blogger is back to normal... good... if not, i dunno how i can upload pics... *baka me* i can use my phone to upload... lolx anyways, tml will be the anniversary of KinKi Kids... the 16th anniversary... since they formed KinKi Kids~~~~~~ Bear~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lolx i think this bear~~~~~~~~ joke, only KKF and my sis will know hahahaha will upload tml... i am still on mc... will be a total of 5 bloody days.. i have tons of stuffs on hold now... i think my supervisor can't wait to kill me now...

KinKi Kids CM


前天是他们出道12周年 我很庆幸自己认识了他们 在我不愉快的时候 他们的歌声陪伴着我渡过 现在 他们给了我无数的欢乐和一种幸福的感觉 所以 我要说声 谢谢你们存在着 我会和你们一起走向300 年的约定的!

...Happy 12th Anniversary...

Happy 12th Anniversary to KinKi Kids!!! Today is the 12th year since their CD & Single Debut!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and may many more years to come!!!!! and for the very first time in my life, i wrote a short, sweet KKL story and posted it in the forum... i'll probably post it here... if anyone wants to read it, tag me... 3Q no matter what happens, we'll always stand by KKK side and stay with them for the next 300 years!!! Yakusoku yo! KinKi Kids FOREVER!


偶然在一个论坛看到的。。。 觉得他说得很对。。 所以,截了一部份: 「堂本光一根本不需要那个拖他后腿的人!」 不知道怎多少KO的论坛里面看到了这种话…当梦还是好奇的新人,观察着四周的时候…然后看着两个人的对视,心痛。 在一个不记得名字的KO论坛,写下「连他们两个都说要永远在一起,其他人有什么资格怀疑?!」然后发誓再也不看。 安心的窝在KK吧,在熟悉的世界游转,知道却不愿相信这里以外有嘈杂的声音。 我觉很对哦 因为,他们两人都说了要永远在一起。。。 其他人根本没资格说配不配或有没有对方会更好的话。。 以下是另一个fan写的观点。。 [Y side] 曾经动摇过,又怎样?曾进跌到过,又怎样? 他们分开活动过,又怎样? 任性的攻击他们又或者他后,你又能怎样? 他们之间的是不是爱情,有那么重要吗? 他们之间的如果是爱情,谁爱谁多一点,又或者谁先爱上谁,又那么重要吗? 重要的是,他们终究回到了自己的地方,一起努力着,把爱传给更多的人。 全部人之间,都有着一份隐形的契约,携手努力度过300年。 受伤过,所以珍惜着;体会过,所以爱着;感受到,所以感动着。 停止一切的攻击和伤害吧,不管是对他们,还是你身边的人。 用尽自己的身心,去感受他们,去体会他们,去珍惜他们,并且被他们感动着。 受伤的时候,悲伤的时候,回头看看一切,你会发现世界是意外的美好。 ね、がんばるよ。 Words by Yoshiko A. 01/12/08 我觉得。。。 我们不都是被他们给感动了吗? 因为他们的音乐,使我收益不浅 他们的努力,我们不都看在心里吗? 大家都是支持他们的。。。 不都应该要大爱一点吗? 感触很多啊我。。。 唉~

Devil/My Wish

I was surfing YouTube last night and also watched koichi's new PV... main point was not to talk about kochan, although i can see that he is in bones again... pls take care of yourself, so you can take care of tsuyo too... ToT... Saw tsuyo performing "my wish" (koichi's song) It was a version entirely different from koichi's Tsuyo's version was saddening Saddening enough for me to feel depress Haiz He was smoking when he was singing this song But I can see the sadness in his eyes The loneliness The despair It was said that koichi wrote this song and dedicated to tsuyo Just like tsuyo's song - devil Was also heard to be dedicated to koichi Devil's lyrics was I want to love I wish to love In other words Tsuyo was going to breakdown at that point Tsuyo's eyes were red when he sang "devil" He was sad or rather devastated when he sang "my wish" All these bring me close to tears I know tsuyo's an emotional person... Haiz But it is ...

...Shindoi with Rie (Miyuki)...

Managed to finish watching Shindoi with guest, Rie... last night.. or rather at 1.30am... Was actually a bit sad after watching it... cos Tsuyo mentioned about his mum buying the damn toy cars thingie... He said telling Rie, he has not got married yet, no gf yet.. and his mum already started buying gifts for his future son... he was obviously sad about that fact that he's sorta disappointing her... cos he's not married yet.... i was like... ToT... his eyes were red already lor... =( he also mentioned that nowadays, he cried more easily... and he would cry in his room...etc haiz... my heart aches for him... i know that it's nothing wrong with parents wanting their kids to get married... but please stop giving him stress... he will get married when he finds the right person ok??!!! even if the right person he found, the mum might not like... but please bless them... in other words, i'm saying it in double meaning... because... the right person for dear tsuyo could be anyo...

9-10 years ago

One of my pre-uni friend posted our year 2 class photo in facebook I was like OMG! Haha cos it's so many years ago Not that I looked better now Cos I'm older now * ahem * mature I mean Bloody hideous Please throw that photo away Actually Come to think of it I can't recall where's my copy Oh well Read one sad, heart aching but in the end happy ending KKL story So I suppose it's still a not so bad day Given the fact that my net friend told me that koichi got himself a pet chihuahua named pan Honestly As long as his final partner/lover is my darling tsuyoshi, I can't be bothered with other bloody pairings that koichi only fans came up with KKL rules!!!!! KinKi Kids Forever!!!!! And their 12 years anniversary is coming!!!! Yippie! 12 years as in cd debut 21 July If it's just the formation of kinki kids Then it's around 16 years 18 years would be how long they've known each other as in when they first met.. 5 May I've said it before I'll say it a...

... random ...


...Working from home...

Yesterday and Today... I am/was working from home... Office's new trial.. in case H1N1 go crazy... next week will then be my other 2 colleauges' turn honestly speaking... a bit hard to work from home cos some officers are still in the office then when you're doing their work you're not there a bit hard to communicate cos sometimes, face to face is more direct than email or skype... enough abt work my blog is not abt work.. at least not now i need more KK in my life... recently KKK's appearance is too little... i heard tsuyo cut his hair again haiz... then he talked abt 七夕 and NARA i think he's sad again... although a lot of fans that's him (his way of speaking/expressing) but i cannot help thinking that he's sad even my sis says he's a bit sad... like there's a lot on his mind.. but he can't tell anyone... haiz can Junichi talk to him? or even Gackt...? it would be best if it's koichi.. although i know it might not be possible.. in my min...


简单的说 为什么就不能祝福他们 只相信他们之间只有相方爱吗? 我就坚决不信 尽管我也想过他们可能只是朋友 但是这么多年 多多少少的粉红事件 不管真假 我由始至终都觉得他们之间的感情是真的 他们会互相吃醋 互相撒娇 我就不信相方之间会这样 所以 祝福他们 希望他们勇敢相爱

10 years anniversary

Today I met up with Mitchell, ZHiliang & Chileong for steamboat buffet I think cos my appeitite had gone down I didn't eat much lah Anyway, CHileong was not in a good state of mind due to lack of sleep Mitchell came late cos of work I met up with ZHiliang first cos his gf stayed around my area My mood swings again Was a bit low tension for me We've known one another for 10 years Thus the so-call celebration Ermm Dunno what else to say Cos my mood swings Will add on later Sweet dreams my friend, smoke less k Anyway I know you dun come to my blog Oh well


Koichi's single cover is out! I randomly decided to pop over to JE's web cos I was checking on KK's singles order and haha I saw koichi single cover and immediately let my sister know Not bad not bad And in the end We decided to get all 3 versions I'm paying for one of the version Cos tsuyo liked that song a lot Peaceful world - lyrics and music composed by koichi Thus I'm sponsoring haha And also cos this time koichi really looked not bad and he is my darling tsuyo's aikata


Ermm supposedly to be posting some pic of the "thing" my sis bought me... But ermmm a bit lazy to take the photo lah I'm still very much in love with my beloved tsuyoshi Ermmm nothing much ... Just wanna say that more often now


因为爱他 所以 我觉得幸福 因为爱他 所以 我希望他幸福 因为爱他 所以 我觉得人生还有期待 因为爱他 所以 我还期待 如果没有他 我的人生将。。。 瓦解。。。

...crazy man...

A bloody stupid idiotic man is on the loose I believe my patience with u has more or less ended 井水不犯河水 你偏偏要和老娘我过不去是吧 没关系 那我就再也不会给你任何面子

... Why...



完了... 我觉得我真的完了啦 我好像已经开始不能自拔了耶 我越来越喜欢读同人小说... 我也已决定要买下那几本 越爱他 我就越想要得到和他有关的事物... 包括这些... 以前的我似乎不是这样的 或许 觉得 人到了莫一个年龄 思想变了 我觉我错过了爱他的好多年 因为我不曾坦白说 我爱这个人! 我才不管他是不是我的 IDOL 我就是喜欢他! 虽然我现在常说着我爱他就是... 或许 朋友们会觉得我有问题 But this is really what i feel strongly about lately... hmmm either i'm too stressed or... anyway... he's on my mind 24/7 this post is really what i feel... suddenly...?

...clearer pic...

Clearer pic of my ipod touch Taken in office As usual, my wallpaper is Tsuyoshi :)

...ipod touch...

My new gadget... Using my laptop to charge Used my phone to take and it looked weird haha

...Tsuyoshi lookalike...

Tsuyoshi lookalike Taken by my fren who was late for work a week ago Honestly... This guy really really looked like my beloved Tsuyoshi lor... Ermm if anyone of you know him or seen him... Can intro me? Hee Cos i would love to meet him! He alighted at douby gauht station on a weekday... Think he's going to work? Okay i'm not going crazy but imagine there's someone out there who looked like Tsuyoshi leh! Tat is super big news to me lor! Haha :)

...just a thought....

幸福往往会在意想不到时偷偷降临在我们周围, 但如果不勇敢的抓住, 它也会在不经意中烟消云散, 所以,只要抱着一种执着温柔的心情去看去爱这个世界, 相信幸福来临时一定可以捕捉到它美丽的光芒。


okay, so it's confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the things i buy from taobao, will come next week~~~~~ YEAH!!!! my ring, dvds, mangas whahahaha yesh!!!! can't wait for it to reach sia then july buy somemore haha okie, a bit hysterical now haha

...SMAP & KinKi Kids - Mo Town Show 1997...

Super funny I was laughing all the way when I was watching this It's a must watch!!!

...another one...

this one is sad... =( but beautiful


Saw a nice video @ tudou.. here to share... heehee but then, if you're not a supporter of KKL then i suppose, you can skip this lah...

...救命病栋24小时part 4...

MC today, just read finish I-weekly, 救命病栋24小时part 4 is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG! this is like one of my fav Jap Doramas sia!!! Original cast somemore!!! i am super happy and excited!!!!! It shld broadcast in Japan on 7th July! I can't wait to watch it!!!!

...33pun tantei season 2...

My sis helped me bought this special plus season 2 back... But this is another publisher de, will buy the other version then it's out If you noticed, the dvd player beside is playing the special It's quite nice leh haha


我偶然在一个网站看到的光一  觉得这个他还不赖  哈哈  我有时在想他到底是一个什么样的人 他和刚到底感情好不好 他有好好疼刚吗 这样的光一让我无比好奇 banner...

if you noticed, my banner had changed... my sista helped me change a new one i like this new banner haha basically, i love whatever image that tsuyoshi portrays =) btw, my sis says she first liked tegoshi from tegomass's mv - miso soup so i must make it clear okie, back to watching - Domoto Tsuyoshi no Shojiki Shindoi - Shin Domoto Kyoudai

...pissed & upset...

okie, so i've already posted at my LJ, but here's what i said... I was watching one of the specials of Domoto Tsuyoshi no Shojiki Shindoi. I think it was one of the earlier ones, probably back in 2002 to 2003, When Tsuyoshi dear was filming Home Drama that time, the special was called Shindoi Johnny special or something… so apparently, Tsuyoshi was to invite JE sempais, kouhais or tomodaji… in this case, all 3… he first called one of the kouhais, make a guess, it’s one half of T & T, and it’s Tsubasa. He called him at 6.30am. Darling asked how long would Tsubasa reached, he said 40 minutes, then darling asked him to reach within 20minutes! Haha, and shockingly, Tsubasa made it!!! Haha, what a cute and obliging kouhai… no wonder, among so many kouhais, Tsuyoshi dotes on Tsubasa the most… Then darling called one of his sempai, from V6, Inohara Yoshihiko… Okay, then Tsubasa and darling went to pick him up, I’m gonna start to filter out the rest of the not so important details…... without...

If one day, you ask me to stop loving Tsuyoshi My very first thought would be "eh!?" Then I would probably say "are you outta your mind?!" Because I can assure you, I'll never stop loving him... Knowing that he exists, is one of the most amazing thing that ever happen to me It's a blessing to me... I've never love someone this much till I know him... not even my past 3 crushes This I swear! I may sound insane but it's the truth Even in the future should I really find my love, he must accept the fact that tsuyoshi is part of my life someone whom i cannot live without with otherwise, he will have to step out... this is how much i treasure Tsuyoshi... btw, I've started posting back at livejournal as well... but I'll continue to update here as well Cheers~ m(= =)m =)

it's a bloody hot day sweating like a mad woman on the loose... as usual, spent my day reading mangas, playing games, looking at tsuyoshi, watching SDK, Shindoi, etc how i can live without tsuyoshi, i dunno actually, i dun wanna know he is the source that keeps me living on wanting more... haha anyway, the japan trip is fixed!!! we're hitting on there next year, buying the tickets by Jan 2010 we've already started saving, planning the itinerary and all we're going to Tokyo & Osaka cos i think, since we're going, might as well spend more, and go to the places we wanna go in one shot who knows when we'll go again and pls, kami sama.... let me bump into Tsuyoshi!!! or at least Masaki... but still i would prefer Tsuyoshi and maybe could "he" be there? hmmm will share more info on the japan trip later.. ja... mata.. sayonara~

... B≈Pass july...

This is from one of the shoots from the magazine... Took it using my beloved phone, hee original scans credits goes to pinkrain o. I got so attracted to this, tat i've decided to buy this mag again... I bought the june issue where my sis helped me collected it just a few days ago Haha cos he's on the cover mah Super handsome ok! ★o★ Btw, i'm blogging from my phone :)


Isn't Tsuyoshi super charming here... Haha i'm always and forever will be charmed by him :)

...the postcard...

This was the postcard i got from Tsuyoshi's new album heehee just as i expected, got the card tat i wanted :)

... 光ちゃん!愛はパワーだよ♡...

光ちゃん!愛はパワーだよ ♡ 光ちゃん! I hope that you do understand what my darling is trying to tell you =) 愛はパワーだよ ♡ i actually wrote the below on wednesday i think... when my thoughts on certain things are pretty strong... it's just a thought... but sometimes i feel the need to post it out, cos it's who i am, what i feel about certain things, people, issue, etc... mangas, animes, dramas, tsuyoshi, shin domoto kyoudai, kinki kids, my dog...etc these are somethings that kept me walking till now... it's my source of strength... so if you do not know me, please do not assume that you do... you're not only insulting me, you're also insulting the things, the people that i love deeply... you might not know why i love tsuyoshi, but at least, i know why and my sis knows... and i think that is enough for me... It's been close to 2 weeks since my last post? not? Wanted to post something out... but didn't do so... maybe i'm just finding excuses.... maybe... i dunno what i am doin...