
Why is it that... everytime when i listen to Tsuyo's DEVIL...
I will cry...
Tears will just flow out naturally

I feel that I can understand his feelings when he sang this song...

I know he cried when he sang this song during his [Si] con...


不要问我 why

nowadays my thoughts has 80% or more to do with KinKi...
they heal my spirit
they heal my heart
they heal my soul

it is their love, their songs, their music that gives me courage
that makes me still believe that there's something, perhaps someone
i can wait upon in the future

if you do not understand why
it's because you do not understand them
you probably do not understand me as well
no one perhaps really did
i never really explain why

maybe one day if you ask me
i might tell you why
just maybe

i believe none of my friends truly understand the reason why i love KinKi
it's also because no one ask me anyway

people who love KinKi probably share the same thoughts
words cannot really express our love for them

they are like a drug, highly addictive
and we are the addicts who refuse to kick off this addiction
they take over our lives but we let them do so
because we love them

I first know of KinKi through Tsuyoshi
cos of his Kindaichi.. back in 1996
it was then, when i fell in love with him
then i found out he's part of a duo grp - KinKi Kids
then i know Koichi
the first album i bought was their D album
till today, i own all of their albums, from A Album to the latest Phi Album
I also own all of their concerts (with my sis)
I rem introducing KinKi to my sis,
she like Koichi more
I always love Tsuyoshi
together we both support and love KinKi Kids
to us,
KinKi Kids will always be Tsuyoshi & Koichi
one cannot be apart from the other
This year marks KinKi Single/Album Debut anniversary to the 12th
This marks the 18th Anniversary since they first met each other back in 1991
This marks the 17th Anniversary for the name KinKi Kids

They spend more than half their life together with each other
I spend 13 years with them,
and I am very proud to say that I am a fan of KinKi Kids, Tsuyoshi & Koichi

Every single song of them makes me think that it's talking abt them
it's their story
all i can say is, i will support them throughout the next 300 years
it's a promise KinKi made, and I will support them for as long as they want!

Yes yes, i am deep in my thoughts again
this happens once a while when i start to babble weird things
(probably to you guys they sound weird)


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