
Showing posts from May, 2010


刚刚又看了个小说 直接飙泪了 倘若你真的不爱她 不要娶她 娶了之后 伤了她的心 后来你娶了你自己心爱的女人 却伤了这个无辜的人 让她决定不要了孩子 一条无辜的小生命就这样没了 这都是你害的 爱。。。 就是这么的伤人 看的我心寒了 假如有一天 我真的爱上了那么一个人 请你不要因为所谓的承诺就和我在一起 这只会让我更痛苦 有感而发。。。


刚刚看了我一直再追的小说的连载更新 看到我想骂人 骂的就是男主角 你他妈的! 第三者的话你就信 你儿子 你老婆的 你反而一概不信 我对你彻底失望 露儿这次肯定会离开了 你开心啦 你去和那狐狸精在一起好了 你的儿子女儿再也不会认你这个爹了! 看到我这次心都要碎了 奶奶的 作者,你行行好 不要再虐露儿了啦 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 一段感情 一旦少了最基本的信任 就什么也不是了 可为何偏偏那最基本的信任 确是永远最难得到?

Hisashi Mitsui 三井寿

Today is the Birthday of my Fav anime/manga character! Hisashi Mitsui! 三井寿! Loved him since Seconday school days More than 10years now~ Noticed all my nicks or rather my main user names are the same~ All related to Mitsui! =)) and seriously, it is cos of SLAMDUNK that I like Basketball~ =))


看来老娘我又华丽丽的生病了 ⊙﹏⊙b汗 严重鼻塞啊


Ergghh One of my favourite (well recently became my fav) forum kept blocking me from logging in! I'm not the only one, apparently there are quite a far bit of ppl having the same problem as i do but it irritates me! cos i can't get in! since morning till now!!! ERGGH Hopefully by tml, i can login.... sianz


Now that KinKi's 19th Anniversary is up I must say, Seriously, Without Johnny inviting our dear KK to Hikaru Genji's Con on 1991, 5th May We would have never get to see KK now! So Dear Johnny Kitagawa, We LOVE YOU! As much as we love our dear KK cos you brought them together! and now we have them to love! Johnny, you're their matchmaker! heehee =)) (yes, i'm in a mood to promote KKL)


祝光一和刚俩人相识十九周年快乐! 撒花~~~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦