
Showing posts from July, 2011


水瓶座——《孤星》 在天空里 有一颗孤独的星 黑夜里的旅人 总会频频回首 想象着那是他初次的 初次的爱恋 理 由:水瓶座人深厌束缚的天性使得他们纵使在在婚姻中仍需维持某种程度的独立自主,事实上即使他的伴侣温柔而体谅,水瓶座的人依然喜欢独处,而不喜欢别人的 干扰,因为对他们来说,孤独是一件美妙的艺术。像旅人一样孤身上路,怀念曾经错过的初恋,对某些人来说可能是伤感,但对水瓶来说有时是一种享受。




嗯。。。 其实我想说的是 我自己觉得我的朋友其实是挺多的 但是深交的 也就那么几个 我的个性比较淡 我不是那种喜欢整天出门的人 也不是那种喜欢为了交朋友而交的人 曾经有个交了20年的朋友突然之前迁怒于我 说我不再是她的朋友 重点在于,我连发生了什么事都不知道 很可笑吧 我努力修补过,也尝试问过为什么 可换来得不偿失 一次又一次换来了什么。。 so, tell me why I should continue to let myself be humiliated? there are many times I wanna ask why... but then again, is it that important anymore? I can swear and say that I've never done anything wrong, but that person would rather believe someone that he/she has known for like a couple of months, than me... so I believe, if any of you is me, you would have felt the pain I had back then... Why am I talking about it right in the morning? It's just a sudden thought... Pop right into my mind.... That I feel that I ought to put it in words... as simple as that...


Time flies! It's July already!!!! Hmmm.... I should be sleeping... Boring.... T_T