
Showing posts from 2013


仕事はたへんです。 嫌いです 働きませんです どしょかな @( ̄- ̄)@ バカ人とても嫌いです  ̄ 3 ̄


Sometimes the amt of stress that I think I can take is unlimited, but I suppose there will be a tipping point and I'll snapped... it's just a matter of time. There are many things in life that I dread losing... my family, my dog etc As time goes by, the more I dread of losing my dog... I cannot imagine the days without him. He is my family. I love him. My dear, please be with me for as long as possible. I pray for this.

Life can be such a bitch sometimes

OMG...using phone to go online can be such a pain in the ass sometimes...  freaking slow! anyways.. main point... Sometimes I wish if ppl up there Cld understand how ppl at the main level or rather ground level are having so much stress and how difficult the whole thing is... Sigh.. Waiting turn for OGD now at Jurong Medical Centre now.. Thank goodness can use medisave... otherwise too ex!!! and I must repeat, I have No intention of faking Mc.. for what... Communication is crucial people... Life sucks.. well sometimes... Bless me, and my beloved dog, he's having diarrhea.. ▔□▔)/▔□▔)/▔□▔)/

Time flies once again

Before we knew it, it's the end of March! been thrgh quite some stuffs, good and bad I know who's goof and bad, it's just a matter of whether I wanna stay away or play dumb...  or rather I ignore they exists..  Oh well... Anyway, officially convert to ST staff now, as of 18th March. Hope the prorated bonus is awesome. And tsuyoshi 's new album is coming out! of course I'm gonna get it! ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!


I am feeling awfully sleepy I wonder if it's the cough mixture (。-ω-)zzz

Bappy lunar new year 2013!

It's CNY again! HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR TO ALL! We're back to steamboat and grill this year ~ Time to feast on delicious food ~