For more than 10 years,
i've resisted visiting fan fictions sites in regards to my beloved KinKi Kids...
but i do not know why I've started reading them...

somehow, they do not seem gross to me...
in fact most of them are so damn touching and sweet that i really wished it happened...
but of course... i would prefer them as they are now...

makes me feel better anyway... haha (selfish kinda thought)
i still want to have Tsuyoshi all by myself... haha
then again, fans like us, wishes them to always do what they want...
cos it's KKL forever!!!

as long as they are happy,
i'm happy!!!

KinKi Kids FORVER!!!!!

(*ahem* a little outta control here... but it's my beloved's birthday tomorrow, so thought of bringing up the atmosphere)

my sis is probably saying i'm going crazy again..
oh well...


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